title: 'c++面向对象: public 继承, 虚方法, 动态绑定'
date: 2018-11-04 13:00:34
public inheritance
virtual methods
dynamic binding
categories: cpp
blog: https://withas.me
学了java中的面向对象后再来学习c++的面向对象, 对两者设计理念上的差异有不少的体会: c++更多地考虑了程序的运行效率(默认静态绑定, 没有垃圾回收等), 把很多繁琐的操作留给了使用者; 而java是贯彻了面向对象的思维, 有一种彻头彻尾的面向对象的感觉, 而把一些背后的机制向使用者隐藏了. 这篇blog主要记录c++中public继承相关的内容.
Public Inheritance
c++中有public, protected, private三种继承方式, 其中public是最常用的.
public继承描述的是一种is-a的关系, derived-class是base-class的一个子集且一般是真子集. 比如从Student类可以派生出Cadre类, Cadre一定是Student, 而Student不一定是Cadre. 这种关系是单向的, 不具有对称性.
class Student {private: int id; string name;public: int getId() const { return id; } void setId(int id) { Student::id = id; } const string &getName() const { return name; } void setName(const string &name) { Student::name = name; } };class Cadre : public Student {private: string duty;public: const string &getDuty() const { return duty; } void setDuty(const string &duty) { Cadre::duty = duty; } };
Cadre由Student派生, 则Cadre直接继承了Student的所有public成员. Private成员也成为了derived-class的一部分, 但是只能通过base-class的public和protected方法访问. 例如Cadre从Student那里继承了name, 但是不能直接访问, 只能通过Student::getName
class Cadre : public Student { ...public: ... void showInfo() const { cout << Student::getName() << endl; cout << Student::getId() << endl; cout << duty << endl; } };
Constructos and Destructos
class Student {private: int id; string name;public: Student(int id, const string &name) : id(id), name(name) {} ... };class Cadre : public Student {private: string duty;public: Cadre(int id, const string &name, const string &duty) : Student(id, name), duty(duty) {} ... };
Derived-class不能直接直接访问继承自base-class的private成员, 所以不能在constructors里直接对它们初始化, 必须借助base-class的constructors. 并且base-class必须先于derived-class被构造. 如果要使用base-class的constructor有参数则必须在derived-class的constructor中以初始化参数列表的方式调用, 如上例. 如果不在derived-class的constructor中显式地调用base-class的constructor, 则默认使用base-class的不带参数的constructor(不存在则编译会产生错误).
Base-class会先于derived-class被构造. 析构的方向恰与之相反, derived-class的destructor先于base-class被执行.
前面提到过public继承是一种is-a的关系, 所以base-class的指针可以指向derived-class的对象, base-class的引用可以引用derived-class的对象.
Student *pc = new Cadre(1, "J", "monitor"); Student &rc = *pc;
但是通过base-class的指针和引用只能使用base-class存在的属性, 如:
rc.getId();//ok rc.getDuty();//error
Virtual Methods
class Student {private: int id; string name;public: void showInfo() const { cout << name << endl; cout << id << endl; } };class Cadre : public Student {private: string duty;public: void showInfo() const { cout << Student::getName() << endl; cout << Student::getId() << endl; cout << duty << endl; } };
Cadre *pc = new Cadre(1, "J", "monitor"); Student &rc = *pc; pc->showInfo(); cout << endl; rc.showInfo();/*output: J 1 monitor J 1*/
同一个Cadre对象, 用它自己的指针调用和用Student的引用调用时结果不一样. 查看输出结果可以知道用Student的引用调用的时候运行的是Student::showInfo
, 而非在Cadre中重写的方法.
Virtual methods
为了让base-class引用的derived-class可以调用derived-class重写的方法, 我们可以使用virtual.
class Student {public: ... virtual void showInfo() const { cout << name << "\t" << id; } };class Cadre : public Student {public: ... virtual void showInfo() const { Student::showInfo();//reusing code cout << "\t" << duty; } };
Cadre *pc = new Cadre(1, "J", "monitor"); Student &rc = *pc;//Student reference pc->showInfo(); cout << endl; rc.showInfo();//invoke Cadre::showInfo() instead of Student::showInfo()/*output: J 1 monitor J 1 monitor */
如果不使用virtual, 调用的方法取决于引用或者指针的类型; 使用, 则由引用或者指向的对象本身决定, 也就是说可以使用base-class的引用或者指针调用在derived-class的重写的方法.
当base-class中的方法被标记为virtual时, derived-class中重写的方法也被自动标记为virtual. 不过一般为了方便阅读, 也将derived-class中重写的方法标记为virtual.
对于base-class中在derived-class被重写的方法一般都会被标记为virtual. 另外有derived-class的base-class的destructors最好被标记为virtual.
class A {private: string *a;public: A() { a = new string("Hello"); } ~A() { delete a; } };class B : public A {private: string *b;public: B() : A() { b = new string("world"); } ~B() { delete b; } };int main() { A *pb = new B(); delete pb; }
delete pb
, B中b的内存没有成功被释放. 所以为了内存的正确释放最好把base-class的destructor标记为virtual.
Static and Dynamic Binding
绑定是指调用哪个具体的方法. 例如上面不加virtual关键词时rc.showInfo
, 即Student::showInfo;
Cadre *pc = new Cadre(1, "J", "monitor"); Student &rc = *pc;//Student reference rc.showInfo();
static binding是指在编译的时候就决定了调用的方法, 而dynamic binding是在程序运行过程中才能决定(因为对于一个base-class的指针可能指向base-class也可能指向derived-class). 这种dynamic binding的特性被称为多态.
c++默认的绑定方式是static binding. 对于dynamic binding对象内部会增加一个virtual function table (vtbl), 它负责记录这个对象应该调用的方法. 尽管dynamic binding看上去有更多的好处, 然而c++默认的绑定方式是static binding, 这样程序的运行效率更高. 与之对比, java中没有virtual function, 它默认的就是动态绑定.
dynamic binding产生的多态有什么好处呢? 看下面这个例子:
class Class {private: vector<Student *> students;public: void addStudent(Student *student) { students.push_back(student); } void listStudent() { for (auto &s: students) { s->showInfo(); cout << endl; } } };//Class cla; Student a = Student(1, "Y"); Cadre b = Cadre(2, "Z", "monitor"); Student c = Student(3, "W"); cla.addStudent(&a); cla.addStudent(&b); cla.addStudent(&c); cla.listStudent();/*output Y 1 Z 2 monitor W 3 */
在Class中我们全都储存的是Student的指针, 在打印Student List的时候就可以根据指向的具体对象输出相应的信息.
#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;class Student {private: int id; string name;public: Student(int id, const string &name) : id(id), name(name) {} int getId() const { return id; } void setId(int id) { Student::id = id; } const string &getName() const { return name; } void setName(const string &name) { Student::name = name; } virtual void showInfo() const { cout << name << "\t" << id; } virtual ~Student() {} };class Cadre : public Student {private: string duty;public: Cadre(int id, const string &name, const string &duty) : duty(duty), Student(id, name) {} const string &getDuty() const { return duty; } void setDuty(const string &duty) { Cadre::duty = duty; } virtual void showInfo() const { Student::showInfo(); cout << "\t" << duty; } };class Class {private: vector<Student *> students;public: void addStudent(Student *student) { students.push_back(student); } void listStudent() { for (auto &s: students) { s->showInfo(); cout << endl; } } };int main() { Cadre *pc = new Cadre(1, "J", "monitor"); Student &rc = *pc; pc->showInfo(); cout << endl; rc.showInfo(); delete pc; cout << endl; Class cla; Student a = Student(1, "Y"); Cadre b = Cadre(2, "Z", "monitor"); Student c = Student(3, "W"); cla.addStudent(&a); cla.addStudent(&b); cla.addStudent(&c); cla.listStudent(); return 0; }