override def runTask(context: TaskContext): MapStatus = { // Deserialize the RDD using the broadcast variable. val deserializeStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance() val (rdd, dep) = ser.deserialize[(RDD[_], ShuffleDependency[_, _, _])]( ByteBuffer.wrap(taskBinary.value), Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader) _executorDeserializeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - deserializeStartTime metrics = Some(context.taskMetrics) var writer: ShuffleWriter[Any, Any] = null try { val manager = SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager writer = manager.getWriter[Any, Any](dep.shuffleHandle, partitionId, context) writer.write(rdd.iterator(partition, context).asInstanceOf[Iterator[_ <: Product2[Any, Any]]]) writer.stop(success = true).get } catch { case e: Exception => try { if (writer != null) { writer.stop(success = false) } } catch { case e: Exception => log.debug("Could not stop writer", e) } throw e } }
首先根据SparkEnv获得ShuffleManager,ShuffleManager是为Spark shuffle系统而抽象的可插拔的接口,它被创建在Driver和Executor上,具体是在SparkEnv实例化的时候进行配置的,源码如下:
val shortShuffleMgrNames = Map( "hash" -> "org.apache.spark.shuffle.hash.HashShuffleManager", "sort" -> "org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.SortShuffleManager", "tungsten-sort" -> "org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.SortShuffleManager")val shuffleMgrName = conf.get("spark.shuffle.manager", "sort")val shuffleMgrClass = shortShuffleMgrNames.getOrElse(shuffleMgrName.toLowerCase, shuffleMgrName)val shuffleManager = instantiateClass[ShuffleManager](shuffleMgrClass)
可以看到是由"spark.shuffle.manager"配置项来决定具体使用哪种实现方式,默认情况下使用的是sort的方式(本文参考的是Spark 1.6.3版本的源码)。Driver通过ShuffleManager来注册shuffles,Executors可以通过它来读写数据。
val shuffleHandle: ShuffleHandle = _rdd.context.env.shuffleManager.registerShuffle( shuffleId, _rdd.partitions.size, this)
override def registerShuffle[K, V, C]( shuffleId: Int, numMaps: Int, dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, C]): ShuffleHandle = { new BaseShuffleHandle(shuffleId, numMaps, dependency) }
override def registerShuffle[K, V, C]( shuffleId: Int, numMaps: Int, dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, C]): ShuffleHandle = { if (SortShuffleWriter.shouldBypassMergeSort(SparkEnv.get.conf, dependency)) { // 这里注释说的很清楚,根据spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold的值(默认是200)判断是否需要进行Map端的聚合操作 // 如果partitions的个数小于200就不进行该操作 // If there are fewer than spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold partitions and we don't // need map-side aggregation, then write numPartitions files directly and just concatenate // them at the end. This avoids doing serialization and deserialization twice to merge // together the spilled files, which would happen with the normal code path. The downside is // having multiple files open at a time and thus more memory allocated to buffers. new BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle[K, V]( shuffleId, numMaps, dependency.asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[K, V, V]]) // 这里是判断是否使用tungsten的方式 } else if (SortShuffleManager.canUseSerializedShuffle(dependency)) { // Otherwise, try to buffer map outputs in a serialized form, since this is more efficient: new SerializedShuffleHandle[K, V]( shuffleId, numMaps, dependency.asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[K, V, V]]) } else { // 如果不是上述两种方式,就使用默认的方式 // Otherwise, buffer map outputs in a deserialized form: new BaseShuffleHandle(shuffleId, numMaps, dependency) } }
/** Get a writer for a given partition. Called on executors by map tasks. */override def getWriter[K, V](handle: ShuffleHandle, mapId: Int, context: TaskContext) : ShuffleWriter[K, V] = { new HashShuffleWriter( shuffleBlockResolver, handle.asInstanceOf[BaseShuffleHandle[K, V, _]], mapId, context) }
/** Get a writer for a given partition. Called on executors by map tasks. */override def getWriter[K, V]( handle: ShuffleHandle, mapId: Int, context: TaskContext): ShuffleWriter[K, V] = { numMapsForShuffle.putIfAbsent( handle.shuffleId, handle.asInstanceOf[BaseShuffleHandle[_, _, _]].numMaps) val env = SparkEnv.get handle match { case unsafeShuffleHandle: SerializedShuffleHandle[K @unchecked, V @unchecked] => new UnsafeShuffleWriter( env.blockManager, shuffleBlockResolver.asInstanceOf[IndexShuffleBlockResolver], context.taskMemoryManager(), unsafeShuffleHandle, mapId, context, env.conf) case bypassMergeSortHandle: BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle[K @unchecked, V @unchecked] => new BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter( env.blockManager, shuffleBlockResolver.asInstanceOf[IndexShuffleBlockResolver], bypassMergeSortHandle, mapId, context, env.conf) case other: BaseShuffleHandle[K @unchecked, V @unchecked, _] => new SortShuffleWriter(shuffleBlockResolver, other, mapId, context) } }
private val shuffle = shuffleBlockResolver.forMapTask(dep.shuffleId, mapId, numOutputSplits, ser, writeMetrics)
def forMapTask(shuffleId: Int, mapId: Int, numReducers: Int, serializer: Serializer, writeMetrics: ShuffleWriteMetrics): ShuffleWriterGroup = { // 为每个ShuffleMapTask实例化了一个ShuffleWriterGroup new ShuffleWriterGroup { // 实例化ShuffleState并保存shuffleId和ShuffleState的对应关系 shuffleStates.putIfAbsent(shuffleId, new ShuffleState(numReducers)) // 根据shuffleId获得对应的ShuffleState private val shuffleState = shuffleStates(shuffleId) val openStartTime = System.nanoTime val serializerInstance = serializer.newInstance() // 获得该ShuffleWriterGroup的writers val writers: Array[DiskBlockObjectWriter] = { Array.tabulate[DiskBlockObjectWriter](numReducers) { bucketId => // 生成ShuffleBlockId,是一个case class,我们可以通过name方法看到其具体的组成: // override def name: String = "shuffle_" + shuffleId + "_" + mapId + "_" + reduceId val blockId = ShuffleBlockId(shuffleId, mapId, bucketId) // 通过DiskBlockManager的getFile方法获得File val blockFile = blockManager.diskBlockManager.getFile(blockId) // 临时目录 val tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(blockFile) // 使用BlockManager的getDiskWriter方法获得DiskBlockObjectWriter // 注意这里的bufferSize默认情况下是32kb,可以通过spark.shuffle.file.buffer进行配置 // private val bufferSize = conf.getSizeAsKb("spark.shuffle.file.buffer", "32k").toInt * 1024 blockManager.getDiskWriter(blockId, tmp, serializerInstance, bufferSize, writeMetrics) } } // Creating the file to write to and creating a disk writer both involve interacting with // the disk, so should be included in the shuffle write time. writeMetrics.incShuffleWriteTime(System.nanoTime - openStartTime) override def releaseWriters(success: Boolean) { shuffleState.completedMapTasks.add(mapId) } } }
/** Write a bunch of records to this task's output */override def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { val iter = if (dep.aggregator.isDefined) { // 判断是否进行map端的combine操作 if (dep.mapSideCombine) { dep.aggregator.get.combineValuesByKey(records, context) } else { records } } else { require(!dep.mapSideCombine, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!") records } for (elem <- iter) { val bucketId = dep.partitioner.getPartition(elem._1) shuffle.writers(bucketId).write(elem._1, elem._2) } }
def nonNegativeMod(x: Int, mod: Int): Int = { val rawMod = x % mod rawMod + (if (rawMod < 0) mod else 0) }
下面就是根据bucketId获得ShuffleWriterGroup中对应的writer,然后执行其write方法,将key和value写入到对应的block file中:
/** * Writes a key-value pair. */def write(key: Any, value: Any) { if (!initialized) { open() } objOut.writeKey(key) objOut.writeValue(value) recordWritten() }
writer.stop(success = true).get
private def commitWritesAndBuildStatus(): MapStatus = { // Commit the writes. Get the size of each bucket block (total block size). val sizes: Array[Long] = shuffle.writers.map { writer: DiskBlockObjectWriter => // 调用DiskBlockObjectWriter的commitAndClose方法 writer.commitAndClose() // 获得每个bucket block的大小 writer.fileSegment().length } // 重命名所有的shuffle文件,每个executor只有一个ShuffleBlockResolver,所以使用了synchronized关键字 // rename all shuffle files to final paths // Note: there is only one ShuffleBlockResolver in executor shuffleBlockResolver.synchronized { shuffle.writers.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (writer, i) => val output = blockManager.diskBlockManager.getFile(writer.blockId) if (sizes(i) > 0) { if (output.exists()) { // Use length of existing file and delete our own temporary one sizes(i) = output.length() writer.file.delete() } else { // Commit by renaming our temporary file to something the fetcher expects if (!writer.file.renameTo(output)) { throw new IOException(s"fail to rename ${writer.file} to $output") } } } else { if (output.exists()) { output.delete() } } } } MapStatus(blockManager.shuffleServerId, sizes) }
这里我们需要注意最终返回的是封装的MapStatus,它记录了产生的磁盘文件的位置,然后Executor中的MapOutputTrackerWorker将MapStatus信息发送给Driver中的MapOutputTrackerMaster,后面Shuffle Read的之后就会从Driver的MapOutputTrackerMaster获取MapStatus的信息,也就是获取对应的上一个ShuffleMapTask的计算结果的输出的文件位置信息。
if (dep.mapSideCombine) { dep.aggregator.get.combineValuesByKey(records, context) } else { records }
def combineValuesByKey( iter: Iterator[_ <: Product2[K, V]], context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, C)] = { // 首先实例化ExternalAppendOnlyMap val combiners = new ExternalAppendOnlyMap[K, V, C](createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners) // 执行ExternalAppendOnlyMap的insertAll方法 combiners.insertAll(iter) updateMetrics(context, combiners) combiners.iterator }
def insertAll(entries: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { if (currentMap == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot insert new elements into a map after calling iterator") } // An update function for the map that we reuse across entries to avoid allocating // a new closure each time var curEntry: Product2[K, V] = null val update: (Boolean, C) => C = (hadVal, oldVal) => { if (hadVal) mergeValue(oldVal, curEntry._2) else createCombiner(curEntry._2) } while (entries.hasNext) { curEntry = entries.next() val estimatedSize = currentMap.estimateSize() if (estimatedSize > _peakMemoryUsedBytes) { _peakMemoryUsedBytes = estimatedSize } if (maybeSpill(currentMap, estimatedSize)) { currentMap = new SizeTrackingAppendOnlyMap[K, C] } currentMap.changeValue(curEntry._1, update) addElementsRead() } }
HashShuffle方式的Shuffle Write部分至此结束,使用一张图概括一下:
为了解决Hash Shuffle产生小文件过多的问题,产生了Sort Shuffle,解下来我们就一起看一下Sort Shuffle的Write部分。
SerializedShuffleHandle 对应 UnsafeShuffleWriter
BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle 对应 BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter
BaseShuffleHandle 对应 SortShuffleWriter
2.1、BaseShuffleHandle & SortShuffleWriter
/** Write a bunch of records to this task's output */override def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { sorter = if (dep.mapSideCombine) { require(dep.aggregator.isDefined, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!") new ExternalSorter[K, V, C]( context, dep.aggregator, Some(dep.partitioner), dep.keyOrdering, dep.serializer) } else { // In this case we pass neither an aggregator nor an ordering to the sorter, because we don't // care whether the keys get sorted in each partition; that will be done on the reduce side // if the operation being run is sortByKey. new ExternalSorter[K, V, V]( context, aggregator = None, Some(dep.partitioner), ordering = None, dep.serializer) } sorter.insertAll(records) // Don't bother including the time to open the merged output file in the shuffle write time, // because it just opens a single file, so is typically too fast to measure accurately // (see SPARK-3570). val output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(dep.shuffleId, mapId) val tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output) try { val blockId = ShuffleBlockId(dep.shuffleId, mapId, IndexShuffleBlockResolver.NOOP_REDUCE_ID) val partitionLengths = sorter.writePartitionedFile(blockId, tmp) shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(dep.shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp) mapStatus = MapStatus(blockManager.shuffleServerId, partitionLengths) } finally { if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) { logError(s"Error while deleting temp file ${tmp.getAbsolutePath}") } } }
/** * Users interact with this class in the following way: * * 1. Instantiate an ExternalSorter. * * 2. Call insertAll() with a set of records. * * 3. Request an iterator() back to traverse sorted/aggregated records. * - or - * Invoke writePartitionedFile() to create a file containing sorted/aggregated outputs * that can be used in Spark's sort shuffle. */
2.1.1 第一步
2.1.2 第二步(这一步非常重要)
def insertAll(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = { // TODO: stop combining if we find that the reduction factor isn't high // 首先判断是否需要进行Map端的combine操作 val shouldCombine = aggregator.isDefined if (shouldCombine) { // 如果需要进行map端的combine操作,使用PartitionedAppendOnlyMap作为缓存 // 将record根据key对value按照获得的聚合函数进行聚合操作(combine) // Combine values in-memory first using our AppendOnlyMap // 获得聚合函数,例如我们使用reduceByKey时编写的函数 val mergeValue = aggregator.get.mergeValue // 获取createCombiner函数 val createCombiner = aggregator.get.createCombiner var kv: Product2[K, V] = null // 定义update函数,主要的逻辑是:如果某个key已经存在记录(record)就使用上面获取 // 的聚合函数进行聚合操作,如果还不存在记录就使用createCombiner方法进行初始化操作 val update = (hadValue: Boolean, oldValue: C) => { if (hadValue) mergeValue(oldValue, kv._2) else createCombiner(kv._2) } // 循环遍历所有的records(记录) while (records.hasNext) { // 记录spill的频率,每当read一条record的时候都会记录一次 addElementsRead() // 使用kv储存当前读的record kv = records.next() // 这里的map和下面else中的buffer都是用来缓存的数据结构 // 如果进行Map端的聚合操作,使用的就是PartitionedAppendOnlyMap[K, C] // 如果不进行Map端的聚合操作,使用的是PartitionedPairBuffer[K, C] // 调用上面定义的update函数将记录插入到map中 map.changeValue((getPartition(kv._1), kv._1), update) // 判断是否要进行spill操作 maybeSpillCollection(usingMap = true) } } else { // 如果不需要进行Map端的聚合操作,就直接将记录放到buffer(PartitionedPairBuffer)中 // Stick values into our buffer while (records.hasNext) { addElementsRead() val kv = records.next() buffer.insert(getPartition(kv._1), kv._1, kv._2.asInstanceOf[C]) maybeSpillCollection(usingMap = false) } } }
override def changeValue(key: K, updateFunc: (Boolean, V) => V): V = { // 首先调用父类的changeValue方法 val newValue = super.changeValue(key, updateFunc) // 然后调用SizeTracker接口的afterUpdate方法 super.afterUpdate() // 返回newValue newValue }
def changeValue(key: K, updateFunc: (Boolean, V) => V): V = { assert(!destroyed, destructionMessage) val k = key.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] // key为空时候的处理,增加长度 if (k.eq(null)) { if (!haveNullValue) { incrementSize() } nullValue = updateFunc(haveNullValue, nullValue) haveNullValue = true return nullValue } var pos = rehash(k.hashCode) & mask var i = 1 while (true) { // 这里的data是一个数组,用来同时存储key和value:key0, value0, key1, value1, key2, value2, etc. // 即2 * pos上存储的是key的值,2 * pos + 1上存储的是value的值 val curKey = data(2 * pos) // 如果key已经存在,就调用updateFunc方法更新value if (k.eq(curKey) || k.equals(curKey)) { val newValue = updateFunc(true, data(2 * pos + 1).asInstanceOf[V]) data(2 * pos + 1) = newValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] return newValue } else if (curKey.eq(null)) { // 如果key不存在就将该key和对应的value添加到data这个数组中 val newValue = updateFunc(false, null.asInstanceOf[V]) data(2 * pos) = k data(2 * pos + 1) = newValue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] incrementSize() return newValue } else { // 否则继续计算位置(pos) val delta = i pos = (pos + delta) & mask i += 1 } } null.asInstanceOf[V] // Never reached but needed to keep compiler happy}
protected def afterUpdate(): Unit = { numUpdates += 1 if (nextSampleNum == numUpdates) { takeSample() } }
def insert(partition: Int, key: K, value: V): Unit = { // 如果当前的大小达到了capacity的值就需要扩大该数组 if (curSize == capacity) { growArray() } // 存储key,这里存储的是(partition Id, key)的格式 data(2 * curSize) = (partition, key.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) // 存储value data(2 * curSize + 1) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] curSize += 1 // 参考上面PartitionedAppendOnlyMap的部分 afterUpdate() }
private def maybeSpillCollection(usingMap: Boolean): Unit = { var estimatedSize = 0L // 这里需要判断使用的是map(PartitionedAppendOnlyMap)还是buffer(PartitionedPairBuffer) // 如果true就是map,false就是buffer if (usingMap) { // 估计当前map的内存占用大小 estimatedSize = map.estimateSize() // 如果超过内存的限制,就将缓存中的数据spill到磁盘 if (maybeSpill(map, estimatedSize)) { // spill到磁盘后,重置缓存 map = new PartitionedAppendOnlyMap[K, C] } } else { // 不进行Map端聚合操作的情况 estimatedSize = buffer.estimateSize() if (maybeSpill(buffer, estimatedSize)) { buffer = new PartitionedPairBuffer[K, C] } } if (estimatedSize > _peakMemoryUsedBytes) { _peakMemoryUsedBytes = estimatedSize } }
// 如果成功spill到磁盘就返回true,否则返回falseprotected def maybeSpill(collection: C, currentMemory: Long): Boolean = { var shouldSpill = false // 在进行真正的spill操作之前向TaskMemoryManager申请再多分配一些内存 if (elementsRead % 32 == 0 && currentMemory >= myMemoryThreshold) { // Claim up to double our current memory from the shuffle memory pool val amountToRequest = 2 * currentMemory - myMemoryThreshold val granted = taskMemoryManager.acquireExecutionMemory(amountToRequest, MemoryMode.ON_HEAP, null) myMemoryThreshold += granted // If we were granted too little memory to grow further (either tryToAcquire returned 0, // or we already had more memory than myMemoryThreshold), spill the current collection // 如果内存仍然不够用,就认定为需要spill到磁盘 shouldSpill = currentMemory >= myMemoryThreshold } // 如果内存中元素的个数超过了强制spill的上限也会认定为需要进行spill操作 shouldSpill = shouldSpill || _elementsRead > numElementsForceSpillThreshold // Actually spill // 接下来就真正将数据spill到磁盘 if (shouldSpill) { _spillCount += 1 logSpillage(currentMemory) // spill操作 spill(collection) _elementsRead = 0 _memoryBytesSpilled += currentMemory releaseMemory() } shouldSpill }
// 这里的collection就是指的map或者bufferoverride protected[this] def spill(collection: WritablePartitionedPairCollection[K, C]): Unit = { // Because these files may be read during shuffle, their compression must be controlled by // spark.shuffle.compress instead of spark.shuffle.spill.compress, so we need to use // createTempShuffleBlock here; see SPARK-3426 for more context. // 获取临时的BlockId(TempShuffleBlockId)及对应的File val (blockId, file) = diskBlockManager.createTempShuffleBlock() // These variables are reset after each flush var objectsWritten: Long = 0 var spillMetrics: ShuffleWriteMetrics = null var writer: DiskBlockObjectWriter = null def openWriter(): Unit = { assert (writer == null && spillMetrics == null) spillMetrics = new ShuffleWriteMetrics writer = blockManager.getDiskWriter(blockId, file, serInstance, fileBufferSize, spillMetrics) } // 获得DiskWriter(DiskBlockObjectWriter) openWriter() // List of batch sizes (bytes) in the order they are written to disk // 用来储存每个batch对应的size val batchSizes = new ArrayBuffer[Long] // How many elements we have in each partition // 用来储存每个partition有多少元素 val elementsPerPartition = new Array[Long](numPartitions) // Flush the disk writer's contents to disk, and update relevant variables. // The writer is closed at the end of this process, and cannot be reused. def flush(): Unit = { val w = writer writer = null w.commitAndClose() _diskBytesSpilled += spillMetrics.shuffleBytesWritten batchSizes.append(spillMetrics.shuffleBytesWritten) spillMetrics = null objectsWritten = 0 } var success = false try { // 排序部分的操作,返回迭代器 val it = collection.destructiveSortedWritablePartitionedIterator(comparator) // 循环的到的迭代器,执行write操作 while (it.hasNext) { val partitionId = it.nextPartition() require(partitionId >= 0 && partitionId < numPartitions, s"partition Id: ${partitionId} should be in the range [0, ${numPartitions})") it.writeNext(writer) elementsPerPartition(partitionId) += 1 objectsWritten += 1 // 如果写的对象达到serializerBatchSize的个数时就进行flush操作 if (objectsWritten == serializerBatchSize) { flush() openWriter() } } if (objectsWritten > 0) { flush() } else if (writer != null) { val w = writer writer = null w.revertPartialWritesAndClose() } success = true } finally { if (!success) { // This code path only happens if an exception was thrown above before we set success; // close our stuff and let the exception be thrown further if (writer != null) { writer.revertPartialWritesAndClose() } if (file.exists()) { if (!file.delete()) { logWarning(s"Error deleting ${file}") } } } } // 实例化SpilledFile,并保存在数据结构ArrayBuffer[SpilledFile]中 spills.append(SpilledFile(file, blockId, batchSizes.toArray, elementsPerPartition)) }
def destructiveSortedWritablePartitionedIterator(keyComparator: Option[Comparator[K]]) : WritablePartitionedIterator = { // 这里的partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator会根据是map或者buffer有不同的实现 val it = partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(keyComparator) // 最后返回的是WritablePartitionedIterator,上面进行写操作的时候就是调用该迭代器中的writeNext方法 new WritablePartitionedIterator { private[this] var cur = if (it.hasNext) it.next() else null def writeNext(writer: DiskBlockObjectWriter): Unit = { writer.write(cur._1._2, cur._2) cur = if (it.hasNext) it.next() else null } def hasNext(): Boolean = cur != null def nextPartition(): Int = cur._1._1 } }
def partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(keyComparator: Option[Comparator[K]]) : Iterator[((Int, K), V)] = { val comparator = keyComparator.map(partitionKeyComparator).getOrElse(partitionComparator) destructiveSortedIterator(comparator) }
override def partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(keyComparator: Option[Comparator[K]]) : Iterator[((Int, K), V)] = { val comparator = keyComparator.map(partitionKeyComparator).getOrElse(partitionComparator) new Sorter(new KVArraySortDataFormat[(Int, K), AnyRef]).sort(data, 0, curSize, comparator) iterator }
这里需要注意,首先都是获取比较器,比较的数据格式为((partition Id, key), value),而两者的区别在于前者才是真正的Destructive级别的,具体的实现在destructiveSortedIterator方法中,而不管采用哪种方式,其底层都是通过timSort算法实现的,具体的排序逻辑就不详细说明了,有兴趣的朋友可以深入研究下去。
2.1.3 第三步
...// 这里注释说的很清楚了,只打开了一个文件// Don't bother including the time to open the merged output file in the shuffle write time,// because it just opens a single file, so is typically too fast to measure accurately// (see SPARK-3570).val output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(dep.shuffleId, mapId)val tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output)try { // 构造blockId val blockId = ShuffleBlockId(dep.shuffleId, mapId, IndexShuffleBlockResolver.NOOP_REDUCE_ID) // 写数据 val partitionLengths = sorter.writePartitionedFile(blockId, tmp) // 写index文件 shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(dep.shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp) // 进行Shuffle Read的时候需要参考该信息 mapStatus = MapStatus(blockManager.shuffleServerId, partitionLengths) } finally { if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) { logError(s"Error while deleting temp file ${tmp.getAbsolutePath}") } }
def writePartitionedFile( blockId: BlockId, outputFile: File): Array[Long] = { // Track location of each range in the output file val lengths = new Array[Long](numPartitions) // 首先判断spills中是否有数据,即判断是否有数据被spill到了磁盘中 if (spills.isEmpty) { // 数据只在内存中的情况 // Case where we only have in-memory data val collection = if (aggregator.isDefined) map else buffer // 获得迭代器 val it = collection.destructiveSortedWritablePartitionedIterator(comparator) // 进行迭代并将数据写到磁盘 while (it.hasNext) { val writer = blockManager.getDiskWriter(blockId, outputFile, serInstance, fileBufferSize, context.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.get) val partitionId = it.nextPartition() while (it.hasNext && it.nextPartition() == partitionId) { it.writeNext(writer) } writer.commitAndClose() val segment = writer.fileSegment() // 最后返回的是每个partition写入的数据的长度 lengths(partitionId) = segment.length } } else { // 如果有数据被spill到了磁盘中,我们就需要进行merge-sort操作 // We must perform merge-sort; get an iterator by partition and write everything directly. for ((id, elements) <- this.partitionedIterator) { if (elements.hasNext) { val writer = blockManager.getDiskWriter(blockId, outputFile, serInstance, fileBufferSize, context.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics.get) for (elem <- elements) { writer.write(elem._1, elem._2) } writer.commitAndClose() val segment = writer.fileSegment() lengths(id) = segment.length } } } context.taskMetrics().incMemoryBytesSpilled(memoryBytesSpilled) context.taskMetrics().incDiskBytesSpilled(diskBytesSpilled) context.internalMetricsToAccumulators( InternalAccumulator.PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY).add(peakMemoryUsedBytes) lengths }
def partitionedIterator: Iterator[(Int, Iterator[Product2[K, C]])] = { val usingMap = aggregator.isDefined val collection: WritablePartitionedPairCollection[K, C] = if (usingMap) map else buffer if (spills.isEmpty) { // Special case: if we have only in-memory data, we don't need to merge streams, and perhaps // we don't even need to sort by anything other than partition ID if (!ordering.isDefined) { // The user hasn't requested sorted keys, so only sort by partition ID, not key groupByPartition(collection.partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(None)) } else { // We do need to sort by both partition ID and key groupByPartition(collection.partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(Some(keyComparator))) } } else { // Merge spilled and in-memory data merge(spills, collection.partitionedDestructiveSortedIterator(comparator)) } }
private def merge(spills: Seq[SpilledFile], inMemory: Iterator[((Int, K), C)]) : Iterator[(Int, Iterator[Product2[K, C]])] = { // 根据每个SpilledFile实例化一个SpillReader,这些SpillReader组成一个Seq val readers = spills.map(new SpillReader(_)) // 获得内存BufferedIterator val inMemBuffered = inMemory.buffered // 根据partition的个数进行迭代 (0 until numPartitions).iterator.map { p => // 实例化IteratorForPartition,即当前partition下的Iterator val inMemIterator = new IteratorForPartition(p, inMemBuffered) // 这里就是合并操作 val iterators = readers.map(_.readNextPartition()) ++ Seq(inMemIterator) if (aggregator.isDefined) { // Perform partial aggregation across partitions // 如果需要map端的combine操作则需要根据key进行聚合操作 (p, mergeWithAggregation( iterators, aggregator.get.mergeCombiners, keyComparator, ordering.isDefined)) } else if (ordering.isDefined) { // No aggregator given, but we have an ordering (e.g. used by reduce tasks in sortByKey); // sort the elements without trying to merge them // 排序合并,例如sortByKey (p, mergeSort(iterators, ordering.get)) } else { (p, iterators.iterator.flatten) } } }
def writeIndexFileAndCommit( shuffleId: Int, mapId: Int, lengths: Array[Long], dataTmp: File): Unit = { val indexFile = getIndexFile(shuffleId, mapId) val indexTmp = Utils.tempFileWith(indexFile) try { val out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(indexTmp))) Utils.tryWithSafeFinally { // We take in lengths of each block, need to convert it to offsets. var offset = 0L out.writeLong(offset) for (length <- lengths) { offset += length out.writeLong(offset) } } { out.close() } val dataFile = getDataFile(shuffleId, mapId) // There is only one IndexShuffleBlockResolver per executor, this synchronization make sure // the following check and rename are atomic. synchronized { val existingLengths = checkIndexAndDataFile(indexFile, dataFile, lengths.length) if (existingLengths != null) { // Another attempt for the same task has already written our map outputs successfully, // so just use the existing partition lengths and delete our temporary map outputs. System.arraycopy(existingLengths, 0, lengths, 0, lengths.length) if (dataTmp != null && dataTmp.exists()) { dataTmp.delete() } indexTmp.delete() } else { // This is the first successful attempt in writing the map outputs for this task, // so override any existing index and data files with the ones we wrote. if (indexFile.exists()) { indexFile.delete() } if (dataFile.exists()) { dataFile.delete() } if (!indexTmp.renameTo(indexFile)) { throw new IOException("fail to rename file " + indexTmp + " to " + indexFile) } if (dataTmp != null && dataTmp.exists() && !dataTmp.renameTo(dataFile)) { throw new IOException("fail to rename file " + dataTmp + " to " + dataFile) } } } } finally { if (indexTmp.exists() && !indexTmp.delete()) { logError(s"Failed to delete temporary index file at ${indexTmp.getAbsolutePath}") } } }
最后就是实例化MapStatus,shuffle read的时候根据MapStatus获取数据。至此BaseShuffleHandle & SortShuffleWriter的部分就结束了。
BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle & BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter
public void write(Iterator<Product2<K, V>> records) throws IOException { assert (partitionWriters == null); if (!records.hasNext()) { partitionLengths = new long[numPartitions]; shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, null); mapStatus = MapStatus$.MODULE$.apply(blockManager.shuffleServerId(), partitionLengths); return; } final SerializerInstance serInstance = serializer.newInstance(); final long openStartTime = System.nanoTime(); partitionWriters = new DiskBlockObjectWriter[numPartitions]; // 针对每一个reducer建立一个临时文件 for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { final Tuple2<TempShuffleBlockId, File> tempShuffleBlockIdPlusFile = blockManager.diskBlockManager().createTempShuffleBlock(); final File file = tempShuffleBlockIdPlusFile._2(); final BlockId blockId = tempShuffleBlockIdPlusFile._1(); partitionWriters[i] = blockManager.getDiskWriter(blockId, file, serInstance, fileBufferSize, writeMetrics).open(); } // Creating the file to write to and creating a disk writer both involve interacting with // the disk, and can take a long time in aggregate when we open many files, so should be // included in the shuffle write time. writeMetrics.incShuffleWriteTime(System.nanoTime() - openStartTime); // 根据partition将记录写入到不同的临时文件中 while (records.hasNext()) { final Product2<K, V> record = records.next(); final K key = record._1(); partitionWriters[partitioner.getPartition(key)].write(key, record._2()); } for (DiskBlockObjectWriter writer : partitionWriters) { writer.commitAndClose(); } // 将所有的临时文件内容按照partition Id合并到一个文件 File output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(shuffleId, mapId); File tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output); try { // 将记录和partition长度信息分别写入到data文件和index文件中 partitionLengths = writePartitionedFile(tmp); shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp); } finally { if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) { logger.error("Error while deleting temp file {}", tmp.getAbsolutePath()); } } mapStatus = MapStatus$.MODULE$.apply(blockManager.shuffleServerId(), partitionLengths); }
no Ordering is specified.
no Aggregator is specified.
the number of partitions is less than spark.shuffle.sort.bypassMergeThreshold.
SerializedShuffleHandle & UnsafeShuffleWriter
public void write(scala.collection.Iterator<Product2<K, V>> records) throws IOException { // Keep track of success so we know if we encountered an exception // We do this rather than a standard try/catch/re-throw to handle // generic throwables. boolean success = false; try { while (records.hasNext()) { // 循环便利所有记录,对其作用insertRecordIntoSorter方法 insertRecordIntoSorter(records.next()); } // 将数据输出到磁盘上 closeAndWriteOutput(); success = true; } finally { if (sorter != null) { try { sorter.cleanupResources(); } catch (Exception e) { // Only throw this error if we won't be masking another // error. if (success) { throw e; } else { logger.error("In addition to a failure during writing, we failed during " + "cleanup.", e); } } } } }
void insertRecordIntoSorter(Product2<K, V> record) throws IOException { assert(sorter != null); final K key = record._1(); final int partitionId = partitioner.getPartition(key); serBuffer.reset(); serOutputStream.writeKey(key, OBJECT_CLASS_TAG); serOutputStream.writeValue(record._2(), OBJECT_CLASS_TAG); serOutputStream.flush(); final int serializedRecordSize = serBuffer.size(); assert (serializedRecordSize > 0); sorter.insertRecord( serBuffer.getBuf(), Platform.BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET, serializedRecordSize, partitionId); }
void closeAndWriteOutput() throws IOException { assert(sorter != null); updatePeakMemoryUsed(); serBuffer = null; serOutputStream = null; // 获得spilled的文件 final SpillInfo[] spills = sorter.closeAndGetSpills(); sorter = null; final long[] partitionLengths; // 最终的输出文件 final File output = shuffleBlockResolver.getDataFile(shuffleId, mapId); // 临时文件 final File tmp = Utils.tempFileWith(output); try { try { // 将spilled的文件合并并写入到临时文件 partitionLengths = mergeSpills(spills, tmp); } finally { for (SpillInfo spill : spills) { if (spill.file.exists() && ! spill.file.delete()) { logger.error("Error while deleting spill file {}", spill.file.getPath()); } } } // 将partition的长度信息写入index文件 shuffleBlockResolver.writeIndexFileAndCommit(shuffleId, mapId, partitionLengths, tmp); } finally { if (tmp.exists() && !tmp.delete()) { logger.error("Error while deleting temp file {}", tmp.getAbsolutePath()); } } // mapStatus mapStatus = MapStatus$.MODULE$.apply(blockManager.shuffleServerId(), partitionLengths); }
BaseShuffleHandle & SortShuffleWriter
SerializedShuffleHandle & UnsafeShuffleWriter
BypassMergeSortShuffleHandle & BypassMergeSortShuffleWriter
最后需要说明的是如果采用的是SortShuffleManager,最后每个task产生的文件的个数为2 * M(M代表Mapper端ShuffleMapTask的个数),相对于Hash的方式来说文件的个数明显减少。
至此Shuffle Write的部分就分析完了,下一遍文章会继续分析Shuffle Read的部分。