书中例子代码是直接用STL的list的,我自己写了一个带头结点的双向循环链表DouList,已经能实现大整数的加法了。现在就是搞不清乘法和除法的算法怎么写。 大家麻烦看一下我写的这几个类,然后帮忙写一下大整数乘法,除法的代码。或者可以提供点思路,3Q啊 //DouListNode.h 结点类 template<class T> class DouListNode { T data; DouListNode<T>* link, * prior; public: DouListNode():link(NULL),prior(NULL){}; DouListNode(T value):link(NULL),prior(NULL),data(value){} ~DouListNode(){}; void SetLink(DouListNode<T>* next); void SetPrior(DouListNode<T>* pre); DouListNode<T>* GetLink(); DouListNode<T>* GetPrior(); T & GetData(); }; template<class T> void DouListNode<T>::SetLink(DouListNode<T>* next) { link=next; } template<class T> void DouListNode<T>::SetPrior(DouListNode<T>* pre) { prior=pre; } template<class T> DouListNode<T>* DouListNode<T>::GetLink() { return link;//unhandled exception in XXXXX.exe Access violation } template<class T> DouListNode<T>* DouListNode<T>::GetPrior() { return prior; } template<class T> T& DouListNode<T>::GetData() { return data; } /////////////////////////////////////// //DouList.h 双向循环链表类 #include "DouListNode.h" template<class T> class DouList { DouListNode<T>* head,*tail,*cur; public: DouList(); ~DouList(){}; bool AddTail(T value); bool AddHead(T value); void RemoveThis(bool direction); void RemoveAll(); void SetBegin(); int GetCount(); void TowardCur(); void BackCur(); DouListNode<T>* GetCur(); DouListNode<T>* GetHead(); DouListNode<T>* GetTail(); void InsertAfter(T value); bool IsEmpty(); T GetNext(); T GetPrior(); }; template<class T> DouList<T>::DouList() { head=tail=new DouListNode<T>; cur=NULL; head->SetLink(head); head->SetPrior(tail); } template<class T> bool DouList<T>::AddTail(T value) { DouListNode<T>* add=new DouListNode<T>(value); tail->SetLink(add); add->SetPrior(tail); tail=tail->GetLink(); tail->SetLink(head); head->SetPrior(add); if (tail != NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } template<class T> bool DouList<T>::AddHead(T value) { DouListNode<T>* add=new DouListNode<T>(value); add->SetPrior(head); add->SetLink(head->GetLink()); (head->GetLink())->SetPrior(add); head->SetLink(add); if (tail == head) { tail=head->GetLink(); } if (add != NULL) { return true; } else { return false; } } template<class T> void DouList<T>::RemoveThis(bool direction) { if (cur == head) { if (direction ==0 ) { cur =cur->GetLink(); } if (direction ==1 ) { cur=cur->GetPrior(); } } DouListNode<T>* preCur=NULL; DouListNode<T>* nextCur=NULL; preCur=cur->GetPrior(); nextCur=cur->GetLink(); preCur->SetLink(nextCur); nextCur->SetPrior(preCur); if (direction==0) { cur=nextCur; } if (direction == 1) { cur =preCur; } } template<class T> void DouList<T>::RemoveAll() { SetBegin(); int length=GetCount(); for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { RemoveThis(0); } cur=head; } template<class T> void DouList<T>::SetBegin() { cur=head; } template<class T> int DouList<T>::GetCount() { int num=0; cur=head;//增加这个初始化 DouListNode<T>* here=cur; while (cur->GetLink() != here ) { cur=cur->GetLink(); num++; } cur=cur->GetLink(); return num; } template<class T> void DouList<T>::TowardCur() { cur=cur->GetLink(); } template<class T> void DouList<T>::BackCur() { cur=cur->GetPrior(); } template<class T> DouListNode<T>* DouList<T>::GetCur() { return cur; } template<class T> DouListNode<T>* DouList<T>::GetHead() { return head; } template<class T> DouListNode<T>* DouList<T>::GetTail() { return tail; } template<class T> bool DouList<T>::IsEmpty() { return head->GetLink()== head; } template<class T> void DouList<T>::InsertAfter(T value) { DouListNode<T>* add=new DouListNode<T>(value); DouListNode<T>* nextCur=cur->GetLink(); cur->SetLink(add); add->SetLink(nextCur); nextCur->SetPrior(add); add->SetPrior(cur); if (cur == tail) { tail=cur->GetLink(); } } template<class T> T DouList<T>::GetNext() { if (cur==head) { cur=cur->GetLink(); } T num=cur->GetData(); cur=cur->GetLink(); return num; } template<class T> T DouList<T>::GetPrior() { if (cur==head) { cur=cur->GetPrior(); } T num=cur->GetData(); cur=cur->GetPrior(); return num; } ////////////////////////////// //BigInt.h 大整数类 #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // setfill(), setw() #include <list> #include "DouList.h" #ifndef BIGINT #define BIGINT const int DIGITS_PER_BLOCK = 3; class BigInt { public: void read(istream & in); void display(ostream & out) ; BigInt operator+(BigInt addend2); BigInt operator-(BigInt addend2); BigInt operator*(BigInt addend2); BigInt operator/(BigInt addend2); BigInt operator^(BigInt addend2); private: DouList<short int> myList; }; inline istream & operator>>(istream & in, BigInt & number) { number.read(in); return in; } inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, BigInt & number) { number.display(out); return out; } #endif //////////////////////////////////////// //BigInt.cpp #include <iostream> #include <CMATH> using namespace std; #include "BigInt.h" //--- Definition of read() void BigInt::read(istream & in) { static bool instruct = true; if (instruct) { cout << "Enter " << DIGITS_PER_BLOCK << "-digit blocks, separated by " "spaces.\nEnter a negative integer in last block to signal " "the end of input.\n\n"; instruct = false; } short int block; const short int MAX_BLOCK = (short) pow(10.0, DIGITS_PER_BLOCK) - 1; for (;;) { in >> block; if (block < 0) return; if (block > MAX_BLOCK) cerr << "Illegal block -- " << block << " -- ignoring\n"; else myList.AddTail(block); } } //--- Definition of display() void BigInt::display(ostream & out) { int blockCount = 0; const int BLOCKS_PER_LINE = 20; // number of blocks to display per line //myList.SetBegin(); DouListNode<short int>* pt=myList.GetHead(); pt=pt->GetLink(); for (int i=0;i<myList.GetCount() -1 ;i++) { out << setfill('0'); if (blockCount == 0) out << setfill(' '); //if (myList.GetCur() != myList.GetTail() ) out << setw(3) << pt->GetData(); blockCount++ ; pt=pt->GetLink(); out << ','; if (blockCount > 0 && blockCount % BLOCKS_PER_LINE == 0) out << endl; } out << setfill('0'); out << setw(3) << pt->GetData();//最后一个数字块后不输出逗号, } //--- Definition of operator+() BigInt BigInt::operator+(BigInt addend2) { BigInt sum; short int first, // a block of 1st addend (this object) second, // a block of 2nd addend (addend2) result, // a block in their sum carry = 0; // 两个数字块相加后的进位 DouListNode<short int>* pt1=myList.GetTail(), //pt1指向当前myList的链尾结点 *pt2=addend2.myList.GetTail(); //pt2指向addend2的myList的链尾结点 while ( pt1 != myList.GetHead() || pt2 != addend2.myList.GetHead()) { if (pt1 != myList.GetHead()) { first=pt1->GetData(); pt1=pt1->GetPrior(); //pt1从链尾向链首移动 } else first=0; if (pt2 != addend2.myList.GetHead()) { second=pt2->GetData(); pt2=pt2->GetPrior(); } else second=0; short int temp = first + second + carry; result = temp % 1000; carry = temp / 1000; sum.myList.AddHead(result); } if (carry > 0) sum.myList.AddHead(carry); return sum; } 大家帮忙写一下减法,乘法,除法等的算法吧,3Q3Q