//监听键盘展开 、收起 private void listenerKeyBoard() { getWindow().getDecorView().addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() { @Override public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) { //当页面布局发生变化的时候调用 YetuLog.e("onLayoutChange", "onLayoutChange: " + "调用"); //因为addOnGlobalLayoutListener是在页面加载完成后才调用,所以当前获取的View参数都是真实有效 int[] location = new int[2]; rlMiddle.getLocationOnScreen(location); rl_height = location[1]; setViewHeight(); } }); } private boolean isSoftShowing() { //获取当前屏幕内容的高度 int screenHeight = getWindow().getDecorView().getHeight(); //获取View可见区域的bottom Rect rect = new Rect(); getWindow().getDecorView().getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame(rect); return screenHeight - rect.bottom != 0; } private void setViewHeight() {// YetuLog.e("onLayoutChange", "onLayoutChange: " + rl_height); if (isSoftShowing()) { //软键盘弹出// YetuLog.e("onLayoutChange", "onLayoutChange: " + "弹出"); //rl_height==0 页面已经上移,不再向上移动(这里是对非软键盘导致的布局切换变化做一个判断) if (rl_height != 0) { ObjectAnimator translationY = new ObjectAnimator().ofFloat(rlMiddle, "translationY", 0, -layTop.getBottom()); //在这里0表示当前控件的位置 translationY.setDuration(200); translationY.start(); } } else { //软键盘收起// YetuLog.e("onLayoutChange", "onLayoutChange: " + "收起"); if (rl_height == 0) { ObjectAnimator translationY = new ObjectAnimator().ofFloat(rlMiddle, "translationY", -layTop.getBottom(), 0); translationY.setDuration(200); translationY.start(); } } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); //addOnGlobalLayoutListener 判断页面是否已经加载完毕 getWindow().getDecorView().getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { /** * Callback method to be invoked when the global layout state or the visibility of views * within the view tree changes */ @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { //判断是否第一次进入页面 if (!isLoaded) { isLoaded = true; listenerKeyBoard(); }else{ int[] location = new int[2]; rlMiddle.getLocationOnScreen(location); rl_height = location[1];// YetuLog.e("onLayoutChange", "onLayoutChange: " + "重新初始化" + rl_height); setViewHeight(); } getWindow().getDecorView().getViewTreeObserver().removeOnGlobalLayoutListener(this); } }); }