<view class="countdownBox"> <text>结束倒计时:</text> <view class="item">{{countdown.day}}</view> <text>天</text> <view class="item">{{countdown.hour}}</view> <text>时</text> <view class="item">{{countdown.minute}}</view> <text>分</text> <view class="item">{{countdown.second}}</view> <text>秒</text> </view>
.countdownBox { width: 100%; height: 80rpx; background-color: red; border-radius: 50rpx; margin-top: 20rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; color: #fff; font-size: 30rpx; margin-bottom: 20rpx; } .countdownBox .item{ height: 60rpx; background-color: #fff; color: #000; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0rpx 8rpx; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; font-size: 35rpx; font-weight: 480; margin: 0rpx 10rpx; }
Page({ data: { countdown:{ day: '', hour: '', minute: '', second: '' } },
//开始 startCountdown: function (serverTime, endTime) { var that = this; serverTime = new Date(serverTime); var millisecond = endTime.getTime() - serverTime.getTime(); var interval = setInterval(function () { console.log('循环中'); millisecond -= 1000; if (millisecond <= 0){ clearInterval(interval); that.setData({ countdown: { day: '00', hour: '00', minute: '00', second: '00' } }); return; } that.transformRemainTime(millisecond); }, 1000); }, // 剩余时间(毫秒)处理转换时间 transformRemainTime: function (millisecond) { var that = this; var countdownObj = that.data.countdown; // 秒数 var seconds = Math.floor(millisecond / 1000); // 天数 countdownObj.day = that.formatTime(Math.floor(seconds / 3600 / 24)); // 小时 countdownObj.hour = that.formatTime(Math.floor(seconds / 3600 % 24)); // 分钟 countdownObj.minute = that.formatTime(Math.floor(seconds / 60 % 60)); // 秒 countdownObj.second = that.formatTime(Math.floor(seconds % 60)); that.setData({ countdown: countdownObj }); }, //格式化时间为2位 formatTime: function(time){ if(time < 10) return '0' + time; return time; },
我这里的serverTime是获得的小程序云服务器时间, endTime是倒计时结束时间,将二者间的差转为天、时、分、秒就行了。
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