我目前正在使用 Python 开发一个 Discord 机器人。为了保存数据,我创建了一个 .tmp 文件来存储 json 格式的数据文本。
因为它是编码的,所以我无法使用以下代码编辑 json:
emojiU = '\N{THUMBS UP SIGN}'
cnd_Member = [member for member in ctx.guild.members if str(data['roles_id']['AmongUs']) in str(member.roles) and (str(member.status) == "online" or str(member.status) == "idle") and member.id != ctx.author.id]
tmpfile = open("my_file.tmp", "wb+", 0) #List that store connected user with a specific role
for i, member in enumerate(cnd_Member): # for connected member with the specific role
DM = discord.utils.get(client.get_all_members(), id=member.id)
Sstring = "***" + Sender + "***" + ' veux jouer à ***' + game + '***.\n :thumbsup: si vous êtes chaud ou :thumbsdown: si vous ne l\'êtes pas'
msg = await DM.send(embed=createEbd(des=Sstring, img=imgLink)) #send DM to the member
if i == 0
save = '{{"{}":{{"msgId":{}, "reaction":"None"}}, '.format(member.id, msg.id)
elif i == len(list(cnd_Member))-1:
save = '"{}":{{"msgId":{}, "reaction":"None"}}}}'.format(member.id, msg.id)
else :
save = '"{}":{{"msgId":{}, "reaction":"None"}}, '.format(member.id, msg.id)
await msg.add_reaction(emojiU ) #Bot add reaction to the DM message
await msg.add_reaction(emojiD) #Bot add reaction to the DM message
tmpfile.write(save.encode("utf-8")) #creating the json file with data
使用 json.dumps 然后对其进行编码并使用 tmpfile.write 将其写入文件中是可行的,但它只附加数据,而不是编辑 tmpfile 中现有的 json。