基于维基百科上找到的转换函数:import mathdef freq_to_note(freq): notes = ['A', 'A#', 'B', 'C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#'] note_number = 12 * math.log2(freq / 440) + 49 note_number = round(note_number) note = (note_number - 1 ) % len(notes) note = notes[note] octave = (note_number + 8 ) // len(notes) return note, octave示例:freq_to_note(440)返回('A', 4)另一种方法是使用可用的包。您可以使用 librosa 包:import librosalibrosa.hz_to_note(440.0)# will return ['A5']或者我写的一个小包,名为 freq_note_converter:import freq_note_converterfreq_note_converter.from_freq(440).note# will return 'A'顺便说一句,它们都支持舍入,例如 430 或 450 仍然会返回“A”。
在音乐理论中,通常的定义是每个八度有12个音符,上升一个八度会使频率加倍,A4被定义为440 Hz。同样重要的是要注意音符均匀分布在八度内。使用这个定义,我们可以编写一个函数,当给定频率时,该函数返回音符和八度音程。由于从 A4 到 A5 会乘以 2,并且我们需要均匀分布音符,这意味着向上移动音符必须恰好是加倍的 12 倍,因此从 A4 到 B4 必须乘以频率2 的 12 次方根 ( 2**(1/12))。编写这样的函数并不简单,但也不难。我认为,虽然有时不给出解决方案本身更有利于学习,但在这种情况下,我最好展示解决方案并解释每个部分。import mathdef frequency_to_note(frequency): # define constants that control the algorithm NOTES = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'] # these are the 12 notes in each octave OCTAVE_MULTIPLIER = 2 # going up an octave multiplies by 2 KNOWN_NOTE_NAME, KNOWN_NOTE_OCTAVE, KNOWN_NOTE_FREQUENCY = ('A', 4, 440) # A4 = 440 Hz # calculate the distance to the known note # since notes are spread evenly, going up a note will multiply by a constant # so we can use log to know how many times a frequency was multiplied to get from the known note to our note # this will give a positive integer value for notes higher than the known note, and a negative value for notes lower than it (and zero for the same note) note_multiplier = OCTAVE_MULTIPLIER**(1/len(NOTES)) frequency_relative_to_known_note = frequency / KNOWN_NOTE_FREQUENCY distance_from_known_note = math.log(frequency_relative_to_known_note, note_multiplier) # round to make up for floating point inaccuracies distance_from_known_note = round(distance_from_known_note) # using the distance in notes and the octave and name of the known note, # we can calculate the octave and name of our note # NOTE: the "absolute index" doesn't have any actual meaning, since it doesn't care what its zero point is. it is just useful for calculation known_note_index_in_octave = NOTES.index(KNOWN_NOTE_NAME) known_note_absolute_index = KNOWN_NOTE_OCTAVE * len(NOTES) + known_note_index_in_octave note_absolute_index = known_note_absolute_index + distance_from_known_note note_octave, note_index_in_octave = note_absolute_index // len(NOTES), note_absolute_index % len(NOTES) note_name = NOTES[note_index_in_octave] return (note_name, note_octave)所以现在frequency_to_note(440)返回('A', 4),并frequency_to_note(740)返回('F#', 5),这似乎是正确的。值得注意的是,这个函数并不关心哪个八度音阶有意义,所以像frequency_to_note(1)returns之类的东西('C', -4),因为如果我们确实有一架钢琴,通常使用八度音阶 1-7,并向左侧添加 5 个八度音阶,则 C请注意,最左边的八度确实是 1 Hz。因此,根据您的用例,如果八度不在 1 到 7 之间,您可能希望在最后引发异常。