我一直在尝试解决有关二叉搜索树的递归问题,但是我没有运气。有人可以用最简单的形式向我解释一下这段代码(在这个问题中广泛使用)如何将数组转换为 BST:
def helper(left, right):
# base case
if left > right:
return None
整个代码(取自leetcode https://leetcode.com/problems/convert-sorted-array-to-binary-search-tree/discuss/900790/Python3-with-explanation-faster-than-100-PreOrder-traversal)
def sortedArrayToBST(self, nums: List[int]) -> TreeNode:
# statrt with the middle element and for the right ones go tree.right and for the left ones go tree.left
# would have to traverse once so the time complexity will be O(n).
def helper(left, right):
# base case
if left > right:
return None
# get the length to the nearest whole number
length = (left + right) // 2
# preOrder traversal
root = TreeNode(nums[length])
root.left = helper(left , length -1)
root.right = helper(length+1, right)
return root
return helper(0 , len(nums) - 1)