如何获取值下拉列表 ul。显示控制台?
// Profanity check
$profaneReport = "";
$profanity_list = "hello TEN test commas";
$allContent = "Hello, world! This is a senTENce for testing. It has more than TEN words and contains some punctuation,like commas.";
/* Create an array of all words in lowercase (for easier comparison) */
$profaneWords = explode( ' ', strtolower($profanity_list) );
/* Remove everything but a-z (i.e. all punctionation numbers etc.) from the sentence
We replace them with spaces, so we can break the sentence into words */
$alpha = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9]+/", " ", strtolower($allContent));
/* Create an array of the words in the sentence */
$alphawords = explode( ' ', $alpha );
/* get all words that are in both arrays */
$wordsFoundInProfaneList = array_intersect ( $alphawords, $profaneWords);
// check if bad words were found, and display a message
if ( !empty($wordsFoundInProfaneList)) {
$profaneReportDesc = "Sorry, your content may contain such words as " . "<strong>" . implode( ", ", $wordsFoundInProfaneList) . '</strong>"';
} else {
$profaneReportDesc = "Good: No profanity was found in your content";
echo $profaneReportDesc;