如果您遇到类似问题,请查看更新的 @vimeo/player 文档: https: //www.npmjs.com/package/@vimeo/player#getfullscreen-promiseboolean-error我更新和测试的代码如下所示:import React, { useEffect, useContext, useState, useRef,} from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import Player from '@vimeo/player';import { BrowserContext } from '../../contexts/BrowserContext';const TAG = 'player';/** * remove event listeners * @param {object} player */function removeEventListeners(player) { if (!player) return; player.off('ended'); player.off('pause'); player.off('play');}/** * remove interval * @param {number} interval */function removeInterval(interval) { console.tag(TAG).debug('removeInterval called'); window.clearInterval(interval);}/** * 640×480, 800×600, 960×720, 1024×768, 1280×960, * 1400×1050, 1440×1080 , 1600×1200, 1856×1392, 1920×1440, and 2048×1536 * @param {number} width */function computeRatio(delayedWidth, percentage = 0.9) { const height = window.innerHeight; const width = delayedWidth - (delayedWidth * (1 - percentage)); if (height <= 480) { return width > 640 ? 640 : width; } if (height <= 600) { return width > 800 ? 800 : width; } if (height <= 720) { return width > 960 ? 960 : width; } if (height <= 768) { return width > 1024 ? 1024 : width; } if (height <= 960) { return width > 1280 ? 1280 : width; } if (height <= 1050) { return width > 1400 ? 1400 : width; } if (height <= 1080) { return width > 1440 ? 1440 : width; } if (height <= 1200) { return width > 1600 ? 1600 : width; } if (height <= 1392) { return width > 1856 ? 1856 : width; } if (height <= 1440) { return width > 1920 ? 1920 : width; } if (height <= 1536) { return width > 2048 ? 2048 : width; } return width;}const VideoPlayer = ({ index, link, onProgress, latestProgress, widthPercentage, onVideoEnded,}) => { const { delayedWidth } = useContext(BrowserContext); const [progress, setProgress] = useState(latestProgress < 1 ? latestProgress : 0); const playerRef = useRef(null); const intervalRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { console.tag(TAG).debug('changing delayed width', delayedWidth); const asyncEffect = async () => { const player = playerRef.current; if (player) { console.tag(TAG).debug('player detected, checking fullscreen'); const isFullscreen = await player.getFullscreen(); console.tag(TAG).debug('fullscreen detected', isFullscreen); if (isFullscreen) { return; } removeEventListeners(player); playerRef.current = null; player.pause(); // gets rid of interval player.destroy(); } const options = { id: link, width: computeRatio(delayedWidth, widthPercentage) }; const newPlayer = new Player(`frame-${index}`, options); playerRef.current = newPlayer; if (progress) { newPlayer.getDuration().then((duration) => { const seconds = duration * progress; newPlayer.setCurrentTime(seconds); }); } const keepTrackProgress = async () => { // gets duration of video in seconds const duration = await newPlayer.getDuration(); intervalRef.current = window.setInterval(() => { const currentPlayer = playerRef.current; if (!currentPlayer) { return; } currentPlayer.getCurrentTime().then((seconds) => { // `seconds` indicates the current playback position of the video const newProgress = seconds / duration; console.tag(TAG).debug(`progress: ${newProgress}, duration ${duration}, seconds ${seconds}`); onProgress(newProgress); setProgress(newProgress); }); // track every next 10 seconds of progress }, 10000); }; newPlayer.on('ended', () => { console.tag(TAG).debug('player onEnded'); removeInterval(intervalRef.current); intervalRef.current = null; onProgress(1); setProgress(1); onVideoEnded(); }); newPlayer.on('pause', ({ duration, seconds }) => { console.tag(TAG).debug('player onPause'); removeInterval(intervalRef.current); intervalRef.current = null; const newProgress = seconds / duration; console.tag(TAG).debug(`progress at paused: ${newProgress}, duration ${duration}, seconds ${seconds}`); onProgress(newProgress); setProgress(newProgress); }); newPlayer.on('play', () => { console.tag(TAG).debug('player onPlay'); keepTrackProgress(); }); }; asyncEffect(); }, [delayedWidth]); useEffect(() => () => { removeInterval(intervalRef.current); removeEventListeners(playerRef.current); if (playerRef.current) { playerRef.current.destroy(); } }, []); return ( <div id={`frame-${index}`} className="frame-wrapper" /> );};VideoPlayer.propTypes = { index: PropTypes.number.isRequired, link: PropTypes.string.isRequired, onProgress: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onVideoEnded: PropTypes.func, latestProgress: PropTypes.number.isRequired, widthPercentage: PropTypes.number,};VideoPlayer.defaultProps = { widthPercentage: 0.9, onVideoEnded: () => {},};export default VideoPlayer;