这是正常行为,当创建 MediaElementSource (MES) 时,其目标 MediaElement 会将其音频流路由到 MES,并且如果此 MES 未连接到 AudioContext 的目标,则 MediaSource 的音频将被静音。但这里发生的情况并非如此。这里你的问题是文件没有按照Same-Origin-Policy提供,因此你的代码不允许读取该媒体的内容,并且在 MSE 中执行声音被视为从脚本中读取媒体(因为您可以在之后的任何地方连接此 MSE)。所以 MSE 只会产生沉默。为了使您的代码正常工作,您需要使用正确的Access-Control-Allow-Origin标头来提供该文件,并让您的页面使用crossorigin属性集来请求该文件。但是download.dolby.com未配置为允许此类跨源访问,因此您必须将此文件托管在其他位置。在下面的演示中,我们将使用wikimedia.org提供的文件,该文件允许跨域访问。// Required by new google policy more here: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/09/autoplay-policy-changes#webaudiovar context = null;var myAudio, source, splitter, listener = null;var FrontLeft, FrontCenter, FrontRight, SurroundLeft, SurroundRight, Sub = null;var pannerNodesObjects = [FrontLeft, FrontCenter, FrontRight, SurroundLeft, SurroundRight, Sub];var distanceFromScreen, screenCenterY = null;var x_FrontLeft, y_FrontLeft, z_FrontLeft = null;var x_FrontCenter, y_FrontCenter, z_FrontCenter = null;var x_FrontRight, y_FrontRight, z_FrontRight = null;var x_SurroundLeft, y_SurroundLeft, z_SurroundLeft = null;var x_SurroundRight, y_SurroundRight, z_SurroundRight = null;var x_Sub, y_Sub, z_Sub = null;var web_Audio_enable = false;var initailPosition = [[x_FrontLeft, y_FrontLeft, z_FrontLeft],[x_FrontCenter, y_FrontCenter, z_FrontCenter],[x_FrontRight, y_FrontRight, z_FrontRight],[x_SurroundLeft, y_SurroundLeft, z_SurroundLeft],[x_SurroundRight, y_SurroundRight, z_SurroundRight],[x_Sub, y_Sub, z_Sub]]; // One-liner to resume playback when user interacted with the page.function startFunction() { // Create splitter context = new AudioContext(); // get the audio element myAudio = document.getElementById('video'); // myAudio = document.querySelector('video'); source = context.createMediaElementSource(myAudio); // var dest = context.createMediaStreamDestination(); //Spliter channels L, R, SL, SR, C, LFE splitter = new ChannelSplitterNode(context, { numberOfOutputs: 6 }); // let channel_merger = new ChannelMergerNode(context, {numberOfInputs: 2}); listener = context.listener; source.connect(splitter); web_Audio_enable = true; start_function(); console.log('Playback resumed successfully'); }//Estimate screen width for sound source placement//NOTE: this is estimation it is not very accurate but for this project it is acurate enought// Used by create_BabylonCamerafunction estimate_ScreenParams() { var $el = document.createElement('div'); $el.style.width = '1cm'; $el.style.height = '1cm'; $el.style.backgroundColor = '#ff0000'; $el.style.position = 'fixed'; $el.style.bottom = 0; document.body.appendChild($el); var screenHeight = window.screen.height / $el.offsetHeight; var screenWidth = window.screen.width / $el.offsetWidth; console.log("Screen Width in cm: " + screenWidth); console.log("Screen Height in cm: " + screenHeight); var screenDiagonalInches = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((window.screen.width / $el.offsetWidth), 2) + Math.pow((window.screen.height / $el.offsetHeight), 2)) / 2.54; console.log("Screen Diagonal in in: " + screenDiagonalInches); document.body.removeChild($el); //Screen center height in meters var screenCenterY = (screenHeight / 2) / 100; //Calculate distance form screen based on estimated screen diagonal length and resolution //Screen resolution var screenResWidth = window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio; var screenResHeight = window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio; var loc_distanceFromScreen = null; //distanceFromScreen will be used for initial positioning of the Surround Left and Right speakers // Distance is in meters if (screenDiagonalInches < 14) { loc_distanceFromScreen = 0.61; //minimum distance } else { loc_distanceFromScreen = 0.61 + (Math.round(screenDiagonalInches - 14) / 2) * 0.15; } console.log("Estimated distance from screen: " + loc_distanceFromScreen); distanceFromScreen = loc_distanceFromScreen; return screenCenterY;}function set_pannerNode(node, panningModel /* 'HRTF' */, distanceModel /* Possible values are "linear", "inverse" and "exponential". The default value is "inverse". */, refDistance, maxDistance, rolloffFactor, coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle, coneOuterGain, x, y, z /* position */, n /* index of the pannerNodesObjects */) { node = context.createPanner(); // Seting options node.panningModel = panningModel; node.distanceModel = distanceModel; node.refDistance = refDistance; node.maxDistance = maxDistance; node.rolloffFactor = rolloffFactor; node.coneInnerAngle = coneInnerAngle; node.coneOuterAngle = coneOuterAngle; node.coneOuterGain = coneOuterGain; // Setting position if (node.positionX) { node.positionX.setValueAtTime(x, context.currentTime); node.positionY.setValueAtTime(y, context.currentTime); node.positionZ.setValueAtTime(z, context.currentTime); } else { node.setPosition(x, y, z); } pannerNodesObjects[n] = node;}// Function to rotate // cx, cy, cz - global center of rotationvar temp_position = [[-0.12, 0.835, 0], /* Front left */ [0.12, 0.835, 0], /* Front right */ [0.0, 0.85, 0], /* Front center */ [0.08, 0.84, 0], /* Sub */ [-0.17, -0.83, 0], /* Surround left */ [0.17, -0.83, 0]]; /* Surround right */function set_rotation(x, y, angle, n /* n is a int that says what initial position to change it is the index of the speaker 0 - FL, 1 - FC, 2 - FR etc. */) { /* Currently not used */ initailPosition[n][0] = temp_position[n][0]; initailPosition[n][1] = temp_position[n][1]; initailPosition[n][2] = temp_position[n][2]; console.log(n + " x: " + initailPosition[n][0] + " y: " + initailPosition[n][1] + " z: "+initailPosition[n][2]); return [initailPosition[n][0], initailPosition[n][1], initailPosition[n][2]];}function rotate(node_obj, pitch, roll, yaw, i) { var cosa = Math.cos(yaw); var sina = Math.sin(yaw); var cosb = Math.cos(pitch); var sinb = Math.sin(pitch); var cosc = Math.cos(roll); var sinc = Math.sin(roll); var Axx = cosa*cosb; var Axy = cosa*sinb*sinc - sina*cosc; var Axz = cosa*sinb*cosc + sina*sinc; var Ayx = sina*cosb; var Ayy = sina*sinb*sinc + cosa*cosc; var Ayz = sina*sinb*cosc - cosa*sinc; var Azx = -sinb; var Azy = cosb*sinc; var Azz = cosb*cosc; px = temp_position[i][0]; py = temp_position[i][1]; pz = temp_position[i][2]; node_x = Axx*px + Axy*py + Axz*pz; node_y = Ayx*px + Ayy*py + Ayz*pz; node_z = Azx*px + Azy*py + Azz*pz; // Setting position if (node_obj.positionX) { // node_obj.positionX.value = node_x; // node_obj.positionY.value = node_y; // node_obj.positionZ.value = node_z; // node_obj.positionX.setValueAtTime(node_x, context.currentTime); // node_obj.positionY.setValueAtTime(node_y, context.currentTime); // node_obj.positionZ.setValueAtTime(node_z, context.currentTime); node_obj.positionX.linearRampToValueAtTime(node_x, context.currentTime + 0.1); node_obj.positionY.linearRampToValueAtTime(node_y, context.currentTime + 0.1); node_obj.positionZ.linearRampToValueAtTime(node_z, context.currentTime + 0.1); } else { node_obj.setPosition(node_x, node_y, node_z); } pannerNodesObjects[i] = node_obj; if(i==0){ console.log("Front Left x: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionX.value + " y: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionY.value + " z: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionZ.value ); } if(i==1){ console.log("Front Right x: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionX.value + " y: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionY.value + " z: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionZ.value ); } if(i==2){ console.log("Front Center x: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionX.value + " y: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionY.value + " z: " + pannerNodesObjects[i].positionZ.value ); } }// Starting function creates PannerNodes and adds parameters to themfunction start_function() { screenCenterY = estimate_ScreenParams(); console.log("Distance from screen in start_function: " + distanceFromScreen); console.log("screenCenterY in start_function: " + screenCenterY); if (listener.forwardX) { listener.forwardX.setValueAtTime(0, context.currentTime); listener.forwardY.setValueAtTime(0, context.currentTime); listener.forwardZ.setValueAtTime(-1, context.currentTime); listener.upX.setValueAtTime(0, context.currentTime); listener.upY.setValueAtTime(1, context.currentTime); listener.upZ.setValueAtTime(0, context.currentTime); } else { listener.setOrientation(0, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0); } var angleList = [90, -90, 0, -110, 110, -20]; for (i = 0; i < pannerNodesObjects.length; i++) { [nx, ny, nz] = set_rotation(distanceFromScreen, screenCenterY, angleList[i], i); set_pannerNode(pannerNodesObjects[i], 'HRTF', "exponential", 1, 100, 2, 360, 0, 0, nx, ny, nz, i); splitter.connect(pannerNodesObjects[i], i); pannerNodesObjects[i].connect(context.destination); } console.log(context.destination); console.log("start_function Finished!");}video{ height: 150px }<!doctype html><html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>MyTitle</title> <base href="/"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico"> <script src="https://unpkg.com/mathjs@7.6.0/dist/math.js"></script></head><body> <button type="button" id="start_web_audio" onclick="startFunction()">Click to allow Web Audio</button> <p>Required to start webaudio API due to changes in autoplay policy on modern browsers</p> <!-- tell the server we want to read it --> <video crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/22/Volcano_Lava_Sample.webm" controls id="video" loop></video></body></html>