我的策略是使用数据透视表。假设没有两行具有相同的(“国家/地区”,“年份”)对。在此假设下,aggfunc=np.sum代表唯一的单一PIB值。table = pd.pivot_table(df, values='PIB', index=['country'],
columns=['year'], aggfunc=np.sum)[[2002,2007]]
list(table[table[2002] > table[2007]].index)数据透视表看起来像这样:
我建议Series按country列创建索引,但必须在具有相同索引值的系列中2007和2002比较系列中使用相同数量的国家:df = pd.DataFrame({'country': ['Afganistan', 'Zimbabwe', 'Afganistan', 'Zimbabwe'], 'PIB': [200, 200, 100, 300], 'year': [2002, 2002, 2007, 2007]})print (df) country PIB year0 Afganistan 200 20021 Zimbabwe 200 20022 Afganistan 100 20073 Zimbabwe 300 2007df = df.set_index('country')print (df) PIB yearcountry Afganistan 200 2002Zimbabwe 200 2002Afganistan 100 2007Zimbabwe 300 2007df1 = df.pivot('country','year','PIB')print (df1)year 2002 2007country Afganistan 200 100Zimbabwe 200 300countries = df1.index[df1[2007] < df1[2002]]print (countries)Index(['Afganistan'], dtype='object', name='country')s1 = df.loc[df.year == 2007, 'PIB'] s2 = df.loc[df.year == 2002, 'PIB']print (s1)countryAfganistan 100Zimbabwe 300Name: PIB, dtype: int64print (s2)countryAfganistan 200Zimbabwe 200Name: PIB, dtype: int64countries = s1.index[s1 < s2]print (countries)Index(['Afganistan'], dtype='object', name='country')另一个想法是首先按年份进行旋转DataFrame.pivot,然后按年份选择列并与中的索引进行比较boolean indexing:df1 = df.pivot('country','year','PIB')print (df1)year 2002 2007country Afganistan 200 100Zimbabwe 200 300countries = df1.index[df1[2007] < df1[2002]]print (countries)Index(['Afganistan'], dtype='object', name='country')
这是我的数据框:df = pd.DataFrame([ {"country": "a", "PIB": 2, "year": 2002}, {"country": "b", "PIB": 2, "year": 2002}, {"country": "a", "PIB": 1, "year": 2007}, {"country": "b", "PIB": 3, "year": 2007},])如果我过滤 2002 年和 2007 年这两年,我得到了。df_2002 = df[df["year"] == 2007]out : country PIB year0 a 2 20021 b 2 2002df_2007 = df[df["year"] == 2007]out : country PIB year2 a 1 20073 b 3 2007您想要比较每个国家/地区 PIB 的演变。Pandas 不知道这一点,它尝试比较值,但这里基于相同的索引。Witch不是你想要的,也是不可能的,因为索引不一样。所以你只需要使用set_index()df.set_index("country", inplace=True)df_2002 = df[df["year"] == 2007]out : PIB yearcountry a 1 2007b 3 2007df_2007 = df[df["year"] == 2007]out : PIB yearcountry a 2 2002b 2 2002现在你可以进行比较df_2002.PIB > df_2007.PIBout:countrya Trueb FalseName: PIB, dtype: bool# to get the list of countries(df_2002.PIB > df_2007.PIB)[res == True].index.values.tolist()out : ['a']
试试这个(考虑到您只需要这些国家/地区的列表):[i for i in df.country if df[(df.country==i) & (df.year==2007)].PIB.iloc[0] < df[(df.country==i) & (df.year==2002)].PIB.iloc[0]]