我为此使用了类型安全枚举模式,我认为它适合您。通过 TypeSafeEnum,您可以使用 Newtonsoft 的 JsonConverter 属性控制映射到 JSON 的内容。由于您没有要发布的代码,我已经构建了一个示例。应用程序的 TypeSafeEnums 使用的基类:public abstract class TypeSafeEnumBase{ protected readonly string Name; protected readonly int Value; protected TypeSafeEnumBase(int value, string name) { this.Name = name; this.Value = value; } public override string ToString() { return Name; }}作为 TypeSafeEnum 实现的示例类型,它通常是一个普通的 Enum,包括 Parse 和 TryParse 方法:public sealed class BirdType : TypeSafeEnumBase{ private const int BlueBirdId = 1; private const int RedBirdId = 2; private const int GreenBirdId = 3; public static readonly BirdType BlueBird = new BirdType(BlueBirdId, nameof(BlueBird), "Blue Bird"); public static readonly BirdType RedBird = new BirdType(RedBirdId, nameof(RedBird), "Red Bird"); public static readonly BirdType GreenBird = new BirdType(GreenBirdId, nameof(GreenBird), "Green Bird"); private BirdType(int value, string name, string displayName) : base(value, name) { DisplayName = displayName; } public string DisplayName { get; } public static BirdType Parse(int value) { switch (value) { case BlueBirdId: return BlueBird; case RedBirdId: return RedBird; case GreenBirdId: return GreenBird; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), $"Unable to parse for value, '{value}'. Not found."); } } public static BirdType Parse(string value) { switch (value) { case "Blue Bird": case nameof(BlueBird): return BlueBird; case "Red Bird": case nameof(RedBird): return RedBird; case "Green Bird": case nameof(GreenBird): return GreenBird; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), $"Unable to parse for value, '{value}'. Not found."); } } public static bool TryParse(int value, out BirdType type) { try { type = Parse(value); return true; } catch { type = null; return false; } } public static bool TryParse(string value, out BirdType type) { try { type = Parse(value); return true; } catch { type = null; return false; } }}用于处理类型安全转换的容器,因此您无需为实现的每个类型安全创建转换器,并在实现新的类型安全枚举时防止 TypeSafeEnumJsonConverter 发生更改:public class TypeSafeEnumConverter{ public static object ConvertToTypeSafeEnum(string typeName, string value) { switch (typeName) { case "BirdType": return BirdType.Parse(value); //case "SomeOtherType": // other type safe enums // return // some other type safe parse call default: return null; } }}实现 Newtonsoft 的 JsonConverter,它又调用我们的 TypeSafeEnumConverterpublic class TypeSafeEnumJsonConverter : JsonConverter{ public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) { var types = new[] { typeof(TypeSafeEnumBase) }; return types.Any(t => t == objectType); } public override object ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, object existingValue, JsonSerializer serializer) { string name = objectType.Name; string value = serializer.Deserialize(reader).ToString(); return TypeSafeEnumConversion.ConvertToTypeSafeEnum(name, value); // call to our type safe converter } public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializer serializer) { if (value == null && serializer.NullValueHandling == NullValueHandling.Ignore) { return; } writer.WriteValue(value?.ToString()); }}使用 BirdType 并设置要使用的转换器的示例对象:public class BirdCoup{ [JsonProperty("bird-a")] [JsonConverter(typeof(TypeSafeEnumJsonConverter))] // sets the converter used for this type public BirdType BirdA { get; set; } [JsonProperty("bird-b")] [JsonConverter(typeof(TypeSafeEnumJsonConverter))] // sets the converter for this type public BirdType BirdB { get; set; }}使用示例:// sample #1, converts value with spaces to BirdTypstring sampleJson_1 = "{\"bird-a\":\"Red Bird\",\"bird-b\":\"Blue Bird\"}";BirdCoup resultSample_1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BirdCoup>(sampleJson_1, new JsonConverter[]{new TypeSafeEnumJsonConverter()});// sample #2, converts value with no spaces in name to BirdTypestring sampleJson_2 = "{\"bird-a\":\"RedBird\",\"bird-b\":\"BlueBird\"}";BirdCoup resultSample_2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BirdCoup>(sampleJson_2, new JsonConverter[] { new TypeSafeEnumJsonConverter() });