这是一个超级嵌套的 JSON 对象。这使得 Java 中的操作变得复杂并且难以排除故障。尽管如此,这是可以做到的。您可以使用 BSON 加载代码,然后解析出值。首先导入您的库。 //import java.util.ArrayList; //import org.bson.Document;将 JSON 解析为 BSON 文档 Document root = Document.parse("{ \"Header\" : { \"ReportName\" : \"BalanceSheet\", \"Option\" : [{ \"Name\" : \"AccountingStandard\", \"Value\" : \"GAAP\" }, { \"Name\" : \"NoReportData\", \"Value\" : \"false\" }], \"DateMacro\" : \"this calendar year-to-date\", \"ReportBasis\" : \"Accrual\", \"StartPeriod\" : \"2016-01-01\", \"Currency\" : \"USD\", \"EndPeriod\" : \"2016-10-31\", \"Time\" : \"2016-10-31T09:42:21-07:00\", \"SummarizeColumnsBy\" : \"Total\" }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"ASSETS\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Current Assets\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Bank Accounts\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"35\", \"value\" : \"Checking\" }, { \"value\" : \"1350.55\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }, { \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"36\", \"value\" : \"Savings\" }, { \"value\" : \"800.00\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"BankAccounts\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Bank Accounts\" }, { \"value\" : \"2150.55\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Accounts Receivable\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"84\", \"value\" : \"Accounts Receivable (A/R)\" }, { \"value\" : \"6383.12\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"AR\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Accounts Receivable\" }, { \"value\" : \"6383.12\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Other current assets\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"81\", \"value\" : \"Inventory Asset\" 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\"13495.00\" }] } }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"FixedAssets\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Fixed Assets\" }, { \"value\" : \"13495.00\" }] } }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"TotalAssets\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"TOTAL ASSETS\" }, { \"value\" : \"24742.44\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"LIABILITIES AND EQUITY\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Current Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Accounts Payable\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"33\", \"value\" : \"Accounts Payable (A/P)\" }, { \"value\" : \"1984.17\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"AP\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Accounts Payable\" }, { \"value\" : \"1984.17\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Credit Cards\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"41\", \"value\" : \"Mastercard\" }, { \"value\" : \"157.72\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"CreditCards\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Credit Cards\" }, { \"value\" : \"157.72\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Other Current Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"89\", \"value\" : \"Arizona Dept. of Revenue Payable\" }, { \"value\" : \"4.55\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }, { \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"90\", \"value\" : \"Board of Equalization Payable\" }, { \"value\" : \"401.98\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }, { \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"43\", \"value\" : \"Loan Payable\" }, { \"value\" : \"4000.00\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"OtherCurrentLiabilities\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Other Current Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"4406.53\" }] } }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"CurrentLiabilities\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Current Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"6548.42\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Long-Term Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"44\", \"value\" : \"Notes Payable\" }, { \"value\" : \"25000.00\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"LongTermLiabilities\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Long-Term Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"25000.00\" }] } }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"Liabilities\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Liabilities\" }, { \"value\" : \"31548.42\" }] } }, { \"Header\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Equity\" }, { \"value\" : \"\" }] }, \"Rows\" : { \"Row\" : [{ \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"34\", \"value\" : \"Opening Balance Equity\" }, { \"value\" : \"-9337.50\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }, { \"ColData\" : [{ \"id\" : \"2\", \"value\" : \"Retained Earnings\" }, { \"value\" : \"91.25\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\" }, { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Net Income\" }, { \"value\" : \"2440.27\" }], \"type\" : \"Data\", \"group\" : \"NetIncome\" }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"Equity\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"Total Equity\" }, { \"value\" : \"-6805.98\" }] } }] }, \"type\" : \"Section\", \"group\" : \"TotalLiabilitiesAndEquity\", \"Summary\" : { \"ColData\" : [{ \"value\" : \"TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY\" }, { \"value\" : \"24742.44\" }] } }] }, \"Columns\" : { \"Column\" : [{ \"ColType\" : \"Account\", \"ColTitle\" : \"\", \"MetaData\" : [{ \"Name\" : \"ColKey\", \"Value\" : \"account\" }] }, { \"ColType\" : \"Money\", \"ColTitle\" : \"Total\", \"MetaData\" : [{ \"Name\" : \"ColKey\", \"Value\" : \"total\" }] }] } }");然后,您可以使用以下语法调出这些值。对于数组,您可以迭代值的数量。为了使其工作,您需要知道返回的值是什么(IE Int、String 或 Document)。BSON 将值作为“对象”返回,因此您必须转换该值。例如:(字符串)bson.get(“字段”)。这个JSON超级大。以下是如何在单行中进行解析的一些示例。System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("ReportName"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("Option")).get(0)).get("Name"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("Option")).get(0)).get("Value"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("DateMacro"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("ReportBasis"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("StartPeriod"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("Currency"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("EndPeriod"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("Time"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)root.get("Header")).get("SummarizeColumnsBy"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Header")).get("ColData")).get(0)).get("value"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Header")).get("ColData")).get(0)).get("value"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Header")).get("ColData")).get(0)).get("value"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("ColData")).get(0)).get("id"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("Rows")).get("Row")).get(0)).get("ColData")).get(0)).get("value"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Columns")).get("Column")).get(1)).get("MetaData")).get(0)).get("Name"))); System.out.println(((String)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)((ArrayList)((Document)root.get("Columns")).get("Column")).get(1)).get("MetaData")).get(0)).get("Value")));