

#page {

  height: 200px; /* just for illustration, would be 100vh */

  border: 1px solid black; /* just for illustration */


  display: flex;

  flex-direction: column;


#nav {

  height: 30px;

  background-color: lightBlue;


  flex: none;


#content {

  background-color: lightGreen;

  display: flex;


  flex: 1 1 auto;


section {

  flex: 1 1 50%;

  padding: 5px;

  margin: 5px;

  border: 1px solid black;


.problem {

  color: white;

  background-color: red;

  height: 500px;

  overflow-y: auto;


<div id="page">

  <div id="nav">

    I'm a nav bar!


  <div id="content">





      More stuff

      <div class="problem">

        Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically





我希望页面永远不会滚动,并且我只希望大的红色矩形在<section>. 我需要添加哪些规则才能使红色矩形了解其父级的边界?

浏览 118回答 2


您可以将您的部分设为 Flexbox 容器,然后设置Flex CSS 属性 (flex-grow、flex-shrink和flex-basis 的缩写)您希望它展开或收缩以占据所有剩余高度 =>flex-grow: 1;和flex-shrink: 1;flex-basis 的解释(来自这个答案):弹性基础系数当 flex-basis 为 0 时,flex-grow 会忽略 Flex 项目中内容的大小,并将该行上的所有空间视为可用空间。这是绝对尺寸。线路上的所有空间均已分配。这就是我们这里需要的=>flex-basis: 0;代码如下:section {&nbsp; flex: 1 1 50%;&nbsp; padding: 5px;&nbsp; margin: 5px;&nbsp; border: 1px solid black;&nbsp; display: flex; /* added */&nbsp; flex-direction:column; /* added */}.problem {&nbsp; color: white;&nbsp; background-color: red;&nbsp; overflow-y: auto;&nbsp; flex: 1 1 0; /* added */}#page {&nbsp; height: 100vh; /* just for illustration, would be 100vh */&nbsp; border: 1px solid black; /* just for illustration */&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp; flex-direction: column;}#nav {&nbsp; height: 30px;&nbsp; background-color: lightBlue;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flex: none;}#content {&nbsp; background-color: lightGreen;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flex: 1 1 auto;}section {&nbsp; flex: 1 1 50%;&nbsp; padding: 5px;&nbsp; margin: 5px;&nbsp; border: 1px solid black;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp; flex-direction:column;}.problem {&nbsp; color: white;&nbsp; background-color: red;&nbsp; overflow-y: auto;&nbsp; flex: 1 1 0;}<div id="page">&nbsp; <div id="nav">&nbsp; &nbsp; I'm a nav bar!&nbsp; </div>&nbsp; <div id="content">&nbsp; &nbsp; <section>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stuff&nbsp; &nbsp; </section>&nbsp; &nbsp; <section>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; More stuff&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <div class="problem">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </div>&nbsp; &nbsp; </section>&nbsp; </div></div>如果您在 中添加更多内容div.problem,它将具有预期的行为#page {&nbsp; height: 100vh; /* just for illustration, would be 100vh */&nbsp; border: 1px solid black; /* just for illustration */&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp; flex-direction: column;}#nav {&nbsp; height: 30px;&nbsp; background-color: lightBlue;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flex: none;}#content {&nbsp; background-color: lightGreen;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; flex: 1 1 auto;}section {&nbsp; flex: 1 1 50%;&nbsp; padding: 5px;&nbsp; margin: 5px;&nbsp; border: 1px solid black;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp; flex-direction:column;}.problem {&nbsp; color: white;&nbsp; background-color: red;&nbsp; overflow-y: auto;&nbsp; flex: 1 1 0;}<div id="page">&nbsp; <div id="nav">&nbsp; &nbsp; I'm a nav bar!&nbsp; </div>&nbsp; <div id="content">&nbsp; &nbsp; <section>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Stuff&nbsp; &nbsp; </section>&nbsp; &nbsp; <section>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; More stuff&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <div class="problem">&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; 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&nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Oh no I'm huge and should scroll vertically&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; </div>&nbsp; &nbsp; </section>&nbsp; </div></div>


#page {&nbsp; height: 200px; /* just for illustration, would be 100vh */&nbsp; border: 1px solid black; /* just for illustration */&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp; flex-direction: column;}#nav {&nbsp; height: 30px;&nbsp; background-color: lightBlue;&nbsp; flex: 0 0 auto;}#content {&nbsp; background-color: lightGreen;&nbsp; display: flex;&nbsp; overflow: hidden;}section {&nbsp; flex: 1 1 50%;&nbsp; padding: 5px;&nbsp; margin: 5px;&nbsp; border: 1px solid black;&nbsp; overflow-y: auto;}.problem {&nbsp; color: white;&nbsp; background-color: red;&nbsp; height: 500px;}

