我正在尝试构建我的 foreach 循环来循环遍历时间戳数组中的所有日期,以便我可以在每个日期的 5 个单独的表中显示结果
$users_site = "London";
$timeStampFrom = ( [0] => 1596655740 [1] => 1596745740 [2] => 1596828540 [3] => 1597087740 [4] => 1597177800 );
$timeStampTo = ( [0] => 1596659340 [1] => 1596749340 [2] => 1596832140 [3] => 1597095000 [4] => 1597181400 );
function show_available_equipment($users_site, $timeStampFrom, $timeStampTo){
// defines db from instialize page as a global variable
foreach ($timeStampFrom as $timeStampStart=>$timeStampTo) {
global $db;
//SQL statement to query the database for available gear
$sql= "SELECT av_inventory.ID AS equipID, av_equipment_type.equipment, "
. "av_inventory.product, av_inventory.serial, av_inventory.current_location, "
. "av_inventory.site, av_inventory.status, av_products.product, av_buildings.building FROM av_inventory JOIN "
. "av_equipment_type ON av_inventory.equipment =av_equipment_type.ID "
. "JOIN av_products ON av_inventory.product = av_products.ID JOIN "
. "av_buildings ON av_inventory.current_location = av_buildings.ID WHERE "
. "av_inventory.site =? AND av_inventory.ID NOT IN (SELECT av_bookings.av_inventory_id FROM "
. "av_bookings WHERE date_time_from <= ? and date_time_to >= ?) GROUP BY av_inventory.ID;";
// prepares our sql statement
$stmt = mysqli_stmt_init($db);
//if there is a SQL error exit
if (!mysqli_stmt_prepare($stmt, $sql)) {
header("Location: book_gear.php?error=sqlerror123");
这里我尝试根据给定的 5 个日期显示信息。每天一张桌子。目前我刚刚获得第一天的信息,这让我认为我的函数循环不正确。