我找不到一个好的方法来做到这一点,所以我编写了一个函数来完成工作。尝试一下,看看它是否满足您的需要。def place_column_text(ax, text, xy, wrap_n, shift, bbox=False, **kwargs): """ Creates a text annotation with the text in columns. The text columns are provided by a list of strings. A surrounding box can be added via bbox=True parameter. If so, FancyBboxPatch kwargs can be specified. The width of the column can be specified by wrap_n, the shift parameter determines how far apart the columns are. The axes are specified by the ax parameter. Requires: import textwrap import matplotlib.patches as mpatches """ # place the individual text boxes, with a bbox to extract details from later x,y = xy n = 0 text_boxes = [] for i in text: text = textwrap.fill(i, wrap_n) box = ax.text(x = x + n, y = y, s=text, va='top', ha='left', bbox=dict(alpha=0, boxstyle='square,pad=0')) text_boxes.append(box) n += shift if bbox == True: # draw surrounding box # extract box data plt.draw() # so we can extract real bbox data # first let's calulate the height of the largest bbox heights=[] for box in text_boxes: heights.append(box.get_bbox_patch().get_extents().transformed(ax.transData.inverted()).bounds[3]) max_height=max(heights) # then calculate the furthest x value of the last bbox end_x = text_boxes[-1].get_window_extent().transformed(ax.transData.inverted()).xmax # draw final width = end_x - x fancypatch_y = y - max_height rect = mpatches.FancyBboxPatch(xy=(x,fancypatch_y), width=width, height=max_height, **kwargs) ax.add_patch(rect)这是它的使用情况:import matplotlib.patches as mpatchesimport textwrapfig, ax = plt.subplots(2,2,sharex=True, sharey=True,figsize=(16,12))fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05)ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4 = ax.flatten()for a in ax.flatten(): a.plot(range(0,20),range(0,20), alpha=0)# the text to be split into columns and annotatedcol_text = ['Colum 1 text is this sentence here.', 'The text for column two is going to be longer', 'Column 3 is the third column.', 'And last but not least we have column 4. In fact this text is the longest.']# use the function to place the textplace_column_text(ax=ax1,text=col_text, xy=(1,10), wrap_n=10, shift=4.2)place_column_text(ax=ax2,text=col_text, xy=(0,19), wrap_n=17, bbox=True, shift=5, ec='red', fc='w', boxstyle='square')place_column_text(ax=ax3,text=col_text, xy=(2,18), wrap_n=6, bbox=True, shift=2.7, ec='blue', fc = 'blue' , alpha=0.3, boxstyle='round,pad=1')place_column_text(ax=ax4,text=col_text, xy=(3,12), wrap_n=10, bbox=True, shift=3, ec='red', fc='w', boxstyle='circle, pad=3')结果: