在名为serialcomm.js的后端文件中,我有一个名为“mode”的变量。我想将模式的值设置为与前端组件 Pacemode() 中的状态“模式”相同的值。如何将 Pacemode 的状态值传递给serialcomm.js 文件?我正在使用 React.js、Node.js 和 SerialPortIO.js。
Pacemode.js 代码:
This navbar component will let the user select which pacing mode interface to display on the page.
It will control rendering the view
import React from 'react';
import '../../stylesheets/PaceMode.css';
import Button from 'react-bootstrap/Button';
// components
import AOO from './AOO';
import AAI from './AAI';
import VOO from './VOO';
import VVI from './VVI';
import VVIR from './VVIR';
import VOOR from './VOOR';
import AOOR from './AOOR';
import AAIR from './AAIR';
import DOO from './DOO';
import DOOR from './DOOR';
const PaceMode = () => {
const [mode, setMode] = React.useState('VOO');
function renderInterface (modeVal) {
switch(modeVal) {
case 'VOO':
return <VOO />;
case 'VVI':
return <VVI />;
case 'AOO':
return <AOO />;
case 'AAI':
return <AAI />;
case 'VOOR':
return <VOOR />;
case 'VVIR':
return <VVIR />;
case 'AOOR':
return <AOOR />;
case 'AAIR':
return <AAIR />;
case 'DOO':
return <DOO />;
case 'DOOR':
return <DOOR />;
return <h2>{mode} Interface Goes Here</h2>;