注意:这是一个极其粗糙的实现。与一磅盐一起服用。为了便于阅读,省略了打包和导入。var slice = []int{2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, -2, -2, 2, 2, 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 5, 4, 9, 8, 7, 2, -3, -7}func orig(s []int) (negative, zero, positive int) { for _, v := range s { if v > 0 { positive++ } else if v < 0 { negative++ } else if v == 0 { zero++ } } return}func sorted(s []int) (negative, zero, positive int) { // We do not want to modify the input slice, // so we need to create a copy of it sortedSlice := make([]int, len(s)) copy(sortedSlice, s) sort.Ints(sortedSlice) return preSorted(sortedSlice)}func preSorted(s []int) (int, int, int) { var z, p int var zfound bool for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { if s[i] < 0 { continue } else if !zfound && s[i] == 0 { zfound = true z = i } else if s[i] > 0 { p = i break } } return z, p - z, len(s) - p}测试代码:func BenchmarkOrig(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { orig(slice) }}func BenchmarkLongOrig(b *testing.B) { var slice = make([]int, 10000000) for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ { slice[i] = rand.Intn(10) if rand.Intn(2) == 0 { slice[i] = slice[i] * -1 } } b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { orig(slice) }}func BenchmarkSorted(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sorted(slice) }}func BenchmarkLongSorted(b *testing.B) { var slice = make([]int, 10000000) for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ { slice[i] = rand.Intn(10) if rand.Intn(2) == 0 { slice[i] = slice[i] * -1 } } b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sorted(slice) }}func BenchmarkPresorted(b *testing.B) { cp := make([]int, len(slice)) copy(cp, slice) sort.Ints(cp) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { preSorted(cp) }}func BenchmarkLongPresorted(b *testing.B) { var slice = make([]int, 10000000) for i := 0; i < 10000000; i++ { slice[i] = rand.Intn(10) if rand.Intn(2) == 0 { slice[i] = slice[i] * -1 } } sort.Ints(slice) b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { sorted(slice) }}根据基准:goos: darwingoarch: amd64BenchmarkOrig-4 27271665 38.4 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/opBenchmarkLongOrig-4 21 50343196 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/opBenchmarkSorted-4 1405150 852 ns/op 272 B/op 2 allocs/opBenchmarkLongSorted-4 2 536973066 ns/op 80003104 B/op 2 allocs/opBenchmarkPresorted-4 100000000 10.9 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/opBenchmarkLongPresorted-4 5 248698010 ns/op 80003104 B/op 2 allocs/op编辑找到了一种稍微更有效的返回计数的方法。我们不创建新切片,而是计算每个子切片的长度。当切片较小时,这使得预排序非常有效。但在 10M 时,简单地计数似乎是最有效的。