我正在阅读 Sedgewick 的《算法》(第四版)。代码是这样的:
package edu.princeton.cs.algs4;
import java.util.Arrays;
* The {@code BinarySearch} class provides a static method for binary
* searching for an integer in a sorted array of integers.
* <p>
* The <em>indexOf</em> operations takes logarithmic time in the worst case.
* <p>
* For additional documentation, see <a href="https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/11model">Section 1.1</a> of
* <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
* @author Robert Sedgewick
* @author Kevin Wayne
public class BinarySearch {
private BinarySearch() { }
public static int indexOf(int[] a, int key) {
int lo = 0;
int hi = a.length - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
// Key is in a[lo..hi] or not present.
int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
if (key < a[mid]) hi = mid - 1;
else if (key > a[mid]) lo = mid + 1;
else return mid;
return -1;
public static int rank(int key, int[] a) {
return indexOf(a, key);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// read the integers from a file
In in = new In(args[0]);
int[] whitelist = in.readAllInts();
// sort the array
// read integer key from standard input; print if not in whitelist
while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) {
int key = StdIn.readInt();
if (BinarySearch.indexOf(whitelist, key) == -1)
javac -cp /Users/user/documents/algorithms/algs4-master/target/algs4- BinarySearch.java
user$ java -cp /Users/user/documents/algorithms/algs4-master/target/algs4- BinarySearch 错误:无法找到或加载主类 BinarySearch 原因:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:BinarySearch