我在尝试构建一个数组时遇到问题,其中状态 ID 是键,并且与状态相关的所有帖子都是与键(状态 ID)相关的子数组。
这是我通过 array_merge_recursive 和手动将项目添加到数组(数组 1)得到的(不正确的)数组:
[res_1] => Array
[status_name] => NEEDS REVIEW
[status_color] => 666666
[post] => Array
[post_title] => Add feature that allows our team to add internal notes on ideas
[post_description] => Sometimes our team needs to leave feedback that users should not see publicly. Having this feature would allow the team to collaborate better at scale.
[categories] => Admin,Communication
[res_2] => Array
[status_name] => PLANNED
[status_color] => aa5c9e
[post] => Array
[post_title] => Add support for multiple languages
[post_description] => We have customers across the globe who would appreciate this page to be localized to their language
[categories] => Integrations
[res_3] => Array
[status_name] => IN PROGRESS
[status_color] => 3333cc
[post] => Array
[post_title] => Allow users to add an image with their feature request
[post_description] => Sometimes users want something visual, having an example really helps.
[categories] => Uncategorized
运行两个单独的数据库查询:一个用于获取状态,另一个用于获取帖子,然后递归合并数组并将数组键更改为字符串。这做了同样的事情,post 5 永远不会出现在新合并的数组中。
与上面相同 - 运行两个单独的查询并手动重建数组,第五篇文章永远不会出现相同的结果。
集中所有 5 个帖子的数据库结果。在合并数组或构建新数组时,第五个不会保留,以便帖子可以与状态相关。
我也尝试使用 SQL 连接表,但即使按 resolution_id 分组也会做同样的事情,第 5 号帖子会因分组而丢失。我也尝试过子查询。