如果已经存在具有当前标签的对象,您可以减少对象值并检查每次迭代。如果存在,则将值添加到它的数组中。现在,与其拥有 , 之类的属性a,b不如c我建议只使用数组并将它们解构为变量。这样您就不会受限于字母表或必须事先定义每个属性。const bullets = { one: [ [ 1053, 2 ], [ 2222, 7 ] ], two: [ [ 1053, 4 ], [ 2222, 1 ] ], three: [ [ 1053, 6 ], [ 2222, 12 ] ]};const result = Object.values(bullets).reduce((acc, items) => { for(const [key, value] of items) { const index = acc.findIndex(({label}) => label === key); index >= 0 ? acc[index].values.push(value) : acc.push({label: key, values: [value]}) } return acc;}, []);// All objectsconsole.log(result);// a, b, cfor(const item of result) { const [a, b, c] = item.values; console.log(a, b, c);}.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; }
我将创建一个要使用的属性数组(例如a、b和c),然后创建一个由标签索引的对象,其值是数组的项目result。然后您可以遍历输入并根据需要插入值: const bullets = { one: [ [ 1053, 2 ], [ 2222, 7 ]], two: [ [ 1053, 4 ], [ 2222, 1 ]], three: [ [ 1053, 6 ], [ 2222, 12 ],],};const properties = ['a', 'b', 'c'];const result = {};Object.values(bullets).forEach((arr, propIndex) => { arr.forEach(([label, val]) => { if (!result[label]) result[label] = { label }; result[label][properties[propIndex]] = val; });});console.log(Object.values(result)); {label: 1053, a: 2, b: 4, c: 6}, {label: 2222, a: 7, b: 1, c: 12}]
您暗示键名 ( 'a', 'b', 'c') 并不重要。这是一种重用原始名称 ( 'one', 'two', 'three') 的技术。const transform = (bullets) => Object .entries (Object .entries (bullets) .reduce ((a, [name, xs]) => xs .reduce ( (a, [label, value]) => ({...a, [label]: [...(a [label] || []), [name, value]]}), a ), {} )) .map (([label, values]) => ({label: Number(label), ...Object .fromEntries (values)}))const bullets = {one: [[1053, 2], [2222, 7]], two: [[1053, 4], [2222, 1]], three: [[1053, 6], [2222, 12]]}console .log ( transform (bullets)).as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}我们分几步进行。调用Object .entries (bullets)产生这个:[ ["one", [[1053, 2], [2222, 7]]], ["two", [[1053, 4], [2222, 1]]], ["three", [[1053, 6], [2222, 12]]]]然后双重归约把它变成这样:{ "1053": [["one", 2], ["two", 4], ["three", 6]], "2222": [["one", 7], ["two", 1], ["three", 12]]}然后我们Object .entries再次调用这个结果得到[ ["1053", [["one", 2], ["two", 4], ["three", 6]]], ["2222", [["one", 7], ["two", 1], ["three", 12]]]]最后,通过map调用 using Object.fromEntries,我们把它变成[ {label: 1053, one: 2, two: 4, three: 6, {label: 2222, one: 7, two: 1, three: 12}]如果您确实需要密钥转换,我们可以在调用中提供它们,如下所示:transform (bullets, {one: 'a', two: 'b', three: 'c'})只需对代码稍作修改。const transform = (bullets, keys) => Object .entries (Object .entries (bullets) .reduce ((a, [name, xs]) => xs .reduce ( (a, [label, value]) => ({...a, [label]: [...(a [label] || []), [keys[name] || name, value]]}), a ), {} )) .map (([label, values]) => ({label: Number(label), ...Object .fromEntries (values)}))const bullets = {one: [[1053, 2], [2222, 7]], two: [[1053, 4], [2222, 1]], three: [[1053, 6], [2222, 12]]}console .log ( transform (bullets, {one: 'a', two: 'b', three: 'c'})).as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}