将接收者定义为值格式:func (r T) Xxx() {}可以通过值或指针调用。当用指针调用时,值会自动传递,(它实际上是用来*获取调用者的值,并传递它)。将接收器定义为指针格式:func (r *T) Xxx() {}原则上,应该只用指针调用,但这不是必需的。因为当调用值而不是指针时,编译器会在可能的情况下处理它:如果该值是可寻址的,(对于 go 中的大多数数据类型都是如此)。然后编译器将获取地址(通过&),并自动传递它。这使得可以直接调用具有值的指针方法,(我猜这在 go 中很常见,它使程序员的生活更轻松)。如果该值不可寻址,(这种情况很少见,但存在)。然后需要显式传递地址,否则编译时会出错。egmap的元素不可寻址。尖端如果合适,在定义方法时首选指针调用者。原因:它可以修改调用者。对于复杂的调用者来说,它更轻量级。传递给方法的内容取决于方法签名,而不是您如何调用它(这与参数类似)。当将调用者声明为指针时(r *T),它传递指针。当将调用者声明为 value 时(r T),它会传递原始调用者的副本。T本身不能是指针。代码并且,这是我在学习此功能时编写的代码。它调用的2个函数main()分别测试2个特性。方法_learn.go:// method - testpackage mainimport ( "fmt" "math")type Vertex struct { x float64 y float64}// abs, with pointer caller,func (v *Vertex) AbsPointer() float64 { return math.Sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y)}// scale, with pointer caller,func (v *Vertex) ScalePointer(f float64) *Vertex { v.x = v.x * f v.y = v.y * f return v}// abs, with value caller,func (v Vertex) AbsValue() float64 { return math.Sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y)}// test - method with pointer caller,func pointerCallerLearn() { vt := Vertex{3, 4} fmt.Printf("Abs of %v is %v. (Call %s method, with %s)\n", vt, vt.AbsPointer(), "pointer", "value") // call pointer method, with value, fmt.Printf("Abs of %v is %v. (Call %s method, with %s)\n\n", vt, (&vt).AbsPointer(), "pointer", "pointer") // call pointer method, with pointer, // scala, change original caller, fmt.Printf("%v scale by 10 is: %v (Call %s method, with %s)\n", vt, vt.ScalePointer(10), "pointer", "value") // call pointer method, with value, fmt.Printf("%v scale by 10 is: %v (Call %s method, with %s)\n", vt, (&vt).ScalePointer(10), "pointer", "pointer") // call pointer method, with pointer,}// test - method with value caller,func valueCallerLearn() { vt := Vertex{3, 4} fmt.Printf("Abs of %v is %v. (Call %s method, with %s)\n", vt, (&vt).AbsValue(), "value", "pointer") // call value method, with pointer, fmt.Printf("Abs of %v is %v. (Call %s method, with %s)\n", vt, vt.AbsValue(), "value", "value") // call value method, with value,}func main() { // pointerCallerLearn() valueCallerLearn()}只需修改main(),然后通过 运行go run method_test.go,然后检查输出以查看其工作原理。