该元素具有元素Output属性。而 element的属性实际上是 tkinter对象,您可以使用它来配置包装模式。TKOutTKOutputoutputTKOutputText下面是一个简单的例子:import PySimpleGUI as sglayout = [ [sg.Text('GameFinder', font=('Helvetica', 24, 'bold'))], [sg.In(key='-IN-', size=(40,1)), sg.Button('Search')], [sg.Output(key='-OUT-', size=(80, 20))],]window = sg.Window('Game Finder', layout, element_justification='center').finalize()window['-OUT-'].TKOut.output.config(wrap='word') # set Output element word wrappingprint('''i am using PySimpleGUI as a tkinter wrapper and it works like a charm, but:When i am printing something to the output element it performs a linebreak whenever the given character limit per line is reached.Can i somehow change it to break line when it can't display the current word fully with the remaining line length?Cheers''')while True: event, values = window.read() if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: breakwindow.close()输出: