你可以创建一个新的函数,不要忘记传递 http.writer 来读取参数。func Pagination(r *http.Request, FindOptions *options.FindOptions) (int64, int64) { if r.URL.Query().Get("page") != "" && r.URL.Query().Get("limit") != "" { page, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.URL.Query().Get("page"), 10, 32) limit, _ := strconv.ParseInt(r.URL.Query().Get("limit"), 10, 32) if page == 1 { FindOptions.SetSkip(0) FindOptions.SetLimit(limit) return page, limit } FindOptions.SetSkip((page - 1) * limit) FindOptions.SetLimit(limit) return page, limit } FindOptions.SetSkip(0) FindOptions.SetLimit(0) return 0, 0}只是打电话Pagination(r, options)例子options := options.Find()page, limit := parameter.Pagination(r, options)// page, limit as response for header payload
cursor.skip ()方法要求服务器从输入结果集的开头开始扫描,然后才开始返回结果。随着偏移量的增加,cursor.skip() 会变慢。虽然范围查询可以使用索引来避免扫描不需要的文档,但与用于cursor.skip()分页相比,随着偏移量的增加,通常会产生更好的性能。使用当前版本的mongo-go-driver (v0.0.15)。执行分页的示例首先显示最新条目:func Paginate(collection *mongo.Collection, startValue objectid.ObjectID, nPerPage int64) ([]bson.Document, *bson.Value, error) { // Query range filter using the default indexed _id field. filter := bson.VC.DocumentFromElements( bson.EC.SubDocumentFromElements( "_id", bson.EC.ObjectID("$gt", startValue), ), ) var opts []findopt.Find opts = append(opts, findopt.Sort(bson.NewDocument(bson.EC.Int32("_id", -1)))) opts = append(opts, findopt.Limit(nPerPage)) cursor, _ := collection.Find(context.Background(), filter, opts...) var lastValue *bson.Value var results []bson.Document for cursor.Next(context.Background()) { elem := bson.NewDocument() err := cursor.Decode(elem) if err != nil { return results, lastValue, err } results = append(results, *elem) lastValue = elem.Lookup("_id") } return results, lastValue, nil}上面调用分页函数的例子:database := client.Database("databaseName")collection := database.Collection("collectionName")startObjectID, _ := objectid.FromHex("5bbafea2b5e14ee3a298fa4a")// Paginate only the latest 20 documents elements, lastID, err := Paginate(collection, startObjectID, 20)for _, e := range elements { fmt.Println(&e)}// Last seen ObjectID can be used to call next Paginate() fmt.Println("Last seen ObjectID: ", lastID.ObjectID())请注意,您还可以_id用另一个索引字段替换该字段。