来自 Wix 的 Detox 看起来是一个非常有用的工具,我一直很想尝试一下。尝试按照 demo-react-native 文件夹中的自述文件进行操作,但我认为它有点过时了。
npm install -g detox-cli
- 丢失的
detox init --runner jest
- 丢失的
"testRunner": "jest",
"runnerConfig": "e2e/config.json",
"configurations": {
"ios": {
"type": "ios.simulator",
"binaryPath": "ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/example.app",
"device": {
"type": "iPhone 11"
但是npm start在一个终端中运行并detox build -c ios抛出这个
$ detox build -c ios
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] DetoxConfigError: Could not find a build script inside "ios" configuration.
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js]
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] HINT: Check contents of your Detox config at path:
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] /Users/norfeldt/Desktop/Detox/examples/demo-react-native/.detoxrc.json
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js]
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] {
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] configurations: {
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] ios: {
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] type: 'ios.simulator',
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] binaryPath: 'ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/example.app',
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] device: [Object]
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] }
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] }
detox[89936] ERROR: [cli.js] }
运行 (如READMEdetox build --configuration ios.sim.release中所述)抛出:
$ detox build --configuration ios.sim.release
detox[91765] ERROR: [cli.js] DetoxConfigError: Failed to find a configuration named "ios.sim.release" in Detox config at path:
detox[91765] ERROR: [cli.js] /Users/norfeldt/Desktop/Detox/examples/demo-react-native/.detoxrc.json
detox[91765] ERROR: [cli.js]
detox[91765] ERROR: [cli.js] HINT: Below are the configurations Detox was able to find:
detox[91765] ERROR: [cli.js] * ios
本来可以为我认为缺少的东西做一个 PR,但我想首先确保它一切正常——我做不到。