那是与词法作用域相关的东西,在这里查看介绍基本上,花括号内的任何变量都{}被视为该块内的新变量。所以在上面的程序中你创建了两个新变量。块类似于围绕一个变量。如果您在街区外,则看不到它。你需要在街区内才能看到它。package mainimport "fmt"func main() { if 7%2 == 0 { // you are declaring a new variable, num := "first" //this variable is not visible beyond this point } else { //you are declaring a new variable, num := "second" //this variable is not visible beyond this point } // you are trying to access a variable, which is declared in someother block, // which is not valid, so undefined. fmt.Println(num)}你要找的是这个:package mainimport "fmt"func main() { num := "" if 7%2 == 0 { //num is accessible in any other blocks below it num = "first" } else { num = "second" } //num is accessible here as well, because we are within the main block fmt.Println(num)}