第一个 for 循环创建一个对象数组,名称作为键和值,下一个 for 循环创建一个对象,名称作为键和值数组const headers = res.data[0];const final = [];const columArr = {};for (let i = 1; i < res.data.length; i++){ let obj = {}; headers.forEach((head, index)=>{ obj[head.name] = res.data[i][index] }); final.push(obj);}for (let j = 1; j < res.data.length; j++){ headers.forEach((head, index)=>{ if(columArr[head.name]){ columArr[head.name].push(res.data[j][index]) } else { columArr[head.name] = [res.data[j][index]] } });}console.dir(final,{depth:null})console.dir(columArr,{depth:null})const dataArray = [];for(let key of Object.keys(columArr)){ dataArray.push({ data:columArr[key].reverse(), type: 'line', name: key });}var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { type: 'spline', renderTo: "container" }, colors: ['#6e9fc5', '#ffdf51', '#a6ca6d', '#ad46d6', '#f26a2e', '#00adef', '#f4bb90'], title: { text: ' values' }, subtitle: { text: ' Data' }, xAxis: { categories: columArr['Time'].reverse() //.reverse() to have the min year on the left }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2, pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> {series.name}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>' }, series:dataArray })
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { type: 'spline', renderTo: "container" }, colors: ['#6e9fc5', '#ffdf51', '#a6ca6d', '#ad46d6', '#f26a2e', '#00adef', '#f4bb90'], title: { text: ' values' }, subtitle: { text: ' Data' }, xAxis: { categories: dataArray.reverse() //.reverse() to have the min year on the left }, plotOptions: { series: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, tooltip: { valueDecimals: 2, pointFormat: '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> {series.name}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>' }, series: [{ type: 'line', name: 'ABC', data : array_final.reverse() }, { name: 'XYx', data: array_final1.reverse() }, { name: 'xyz', data: array_final2.reverse() }, { name: 'klm', data: array_final3.reverse() }, { name: 'ddd', data: array_final4.reverse() }, { name: ''ABCD", data: array_final5.reverse() }]