



$(function() {

  $( "#slider-range" ).slider({

    range: true,

    min: 0,

    max: 200,

    values: [ 1, 50 ],

    slide: function( event, ui ) {

      $( "#amount" ).text( "$" + ui.values[ 0 ] + "-$" + ui.values[ 1 ] );

      collection.filterPrice(event, ui, getPriceTags());



  $( "#amount" ).text( "$1" + "-$" + $( "#slider-range" ).slider( "values", 1 ) );





if slider value is from 10 to 50 so this checks the into the array

if any of the value is in between these 10 to 50 so it gives the result 20 50


if slider value is 10 to 60 so the results should be 20 50 and 50 to 100

浏览 114回答 3


(我希望这终于到了重点......)此代码返回范围与滑块选择的价格范围重叠(完全或部分)的所有价格段。/*&nbsp;* NOTES: price segments should not overlap&nbsp;*/const priceSegments = ['20-50', '51-100']; // originally was ['20-50', '50-100'] see noteconst sliderRange = [1, 50];const pricesList = [{&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 30.5,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 2&nbsp; },&nbsp; {&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 27.7,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 1&nbsp; },&nbsp; {&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 50.0,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 2&nbsp; },&nbsp; {&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 55.5,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 2&nbsp; }];// if you want an array of strings (e.g. ["20-50", "51-100"])const priceSegmentsMatchingRange_arrayOfStrings = priceSegments.filter(segment => {&nbsp; const [segmentMin, segmentMax] = segment.split('-');&nbsp; const [rangeMin, rangeMax] = sliderRange;&nbsp; return (&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) < parseInt(rangeMin) && parseInt(segmentMax) >= parseInt(rangeMin)) ||&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) >= parseInt(rangeMin) && parseInt(segmentMax) <= parseInt(rangeMax)) ||&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) <= parseInt(rangeMax) && parseInt(segmentMax) > parseInt(rangeMax))&nbsp; );});console.log(priceSegmentsMatchingRange_arrayOfStrings);// if you want an array of arrays of strings (e.g. [["20", "50"], ["51", "100"]])const priceSegmentsMatchingRange_arrayArraysOfStrings = priceSegments.filter(segment => {&nbsp; const [segmentMin, segmentMax] = segment.split('-');&nbsp; const [rangeMin, rangeMax] = sliderRange;&nbsp; return (&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) < parseInt(rangeMin) && parseInt(segmentMax) >= parseInt(rangeMin)) ||&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) >= parseInt(rangeMin) && parseInt(segmentMax) <= parseInt(rangeMax)) ||&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) <= parseInt(rangeMax) && parseInt(segmentMax) > parseInt(rangeMax))&nbsp; );}).map(segment => segment.split('-'));console.log(priceSegmentsMatchingRange_arrayArraysOfStrings);// if you want an array of arrays of numbers (e.g. [[20, 50], [51, 100]])const priceSegmentsMatchingRange_arrayArraysOfNumbers = priceSegments.filter(segment => {&nbsp; const [segmentMin, segmentMax] = segment.split('-');&nbsp; const [rangeMin, rangeMax] = sliderRange;&nbsp; return (&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) < parseInt(rangeMin) && parseInt(segmentMax) >= parseInt(rangeMin)) ||&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) >= parseInt(rangeMin) && parseInt(segmentMax) <= parseInt(rangeMax)) ||&nbsp; &nbsp; (parseInt(segmentMin) <= parseInt(rangeMax) && parseInt(segmentMax) > parseInt(rangeMax))&nbsp; );}).map(segment => segment.split('-').map(item => parseInt(item)));console.log(priceSegmentsMatchingRange_arrayArraysOfNumbers);


你可以使用array.filter例如:allValues = [&nbsp; { val: 5, count: 2},&nbsp;&nbsp; { val: 6, count: 2},&nbsp;&nbsp; { val: 7, count: 2},&nbsp;&nbsp; { val: 8, count: 2},&nbsp;&nbsp; { val: 9, count: 2},&nbsp;&nbsp; { val: 10, count: 3}];&nbsp;&nbsp;var sliderStartVal = 6;var sliderEndVal = 9;&nbsp;&nbsp;console.log(allValues.filter(x => x.val > sliderStartVal && x.val < sliderEndVal));// Gives [{"val":7,"count":2},{"val":8,"count":2}]


如果我正确理解你想要实现的目标,你只需要使用Array.prototype.filter()(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter)。[编辑] 我仍然不是 100% 确定我得到了你想要实现的目标,但据我所知,这个编辑过的片段可能是你需要的。/*&nbsp;* NOTES:&nbsp;* I think there are a couple of logical error I eliminated in this code snippet&nbsp;*&nbsp; &nbsp;1. price segments should not overlap&nbsp;*&nbsp; &nbsp;2. it should not be possible to select a price lower/higher than the lowes/highest price segment&nbsp;*/const priceSegments = ['20-50', '51-100']; // originally was ['20-50', '50-100'] see note (1.)const sliderRange = [20, 50]; // originally was [1, 50] - see note (2.)const pricesList = [{&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 30.5,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 2&nbsp; },&nbsp; {&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 27.7,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 1&nbsp; },&nbsp; {&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 50.0,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 2&nbsp; },&nbsp; {&nbsp; &nbsp; value: 55.5,&nbsp; &nbsp; count: 2&nbsp; }];const priceRange = priceSegments.reduce((outObj, segment) => {&nbsp; /*&nbsp; &nbsp;* if the slider minimum falls within the segment,&nbsp; &nbsp;* set the minPrice to the segment minumum&nbsp; &nbsp;*/&nbsp; if (&nbsp; &nbsp; parseInt(segment.split('-')[0]) <= parseInt(sliderRange[0]) &&&nbsp; &nbsp; parseInt(segment.split('-')[1]) >= parseInt(sliderRange[0])&nbsp; ) {&nbsp; &nbsp; outObj.minPrice = parseInt(segment.split('-')[0]);&nbsp; }&nbsp; /*&nbsp; &nbsp;* if the slider maximum falls within the segment,&nbsp; &nbsp;* set the maxPrice to the segment maximum&nbsp; &nbsp;*/&nbsp; if (&nbsp; &nbsp; parseInt(segment.split('-')[0]) <= parseInt(sliderRange[1]) &&&nbsp; &nbsp; parseInt(segment.split('-')[1]) >= parseInt(sliderRange[1])&nbsp; ) {&nbsp; &nbsp; outObj.maxPrice = parseInt(segment.split('-')[1]);&nbsp; }&nbsp; return outObj;}, {&nbsp; minPrice: 0,&nbsp; maxPrice: 0});const {&nbsp; minPrice,&nbsp; maxPrice} = priceRange;const pricesInRange = pricesList.filter((price) => price.value >= minPrice && price.value <= maxPrice);console.log(pricesInRange);

