与其依赖间隔,不如使用guildCreate和guildDelete事件。每当机器人加入公会或从公会中移除时,它们就会分别被触发。看看下面的示例代码。client.on("ready", () => { client.user.setActivity("Serving " + client.guilds.cache.size + " servers");});client.on("guildCreate", () => { // Fired every time the bot is added to a new server client.user.setActivity("Serving "+ client.guilds.cache.size +" servers");});client.on("guildDelete", () => { // Fired every time the bot is removed from a server client.user.setActivity("Serving "+ client.guilds.cache.size +" servers");});现在,如果您想将其与选择随机状态配对,您也可以执行以下操作:const statusMessages = ['First status messages', 'Serving {guildSize} servers', 'Third possible message'];let chosenMessageIndex = 0;client.on("ready", () => { setInterval(() => { setRandomStatus(); }, 15000); setRandomStatus();});client.on("guildCreate", () => { // Fired every time the bot is added to a new server updateStatus();});client.on("guildDelete", () => { // Fired every time the bot is removed from a server updateStatus();});function setRandomStatus() { chosenMessageIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * statusMessages.length); // Set the random status message. If "guildSize" is in the status, // replace it with the actual number of servers the bot is in let statusMessage = statusMessages[chosenMessageIndex].replaceAll('{guildSize}', client.guilds.cache.size); client.user.setActivity(statusMessage);}function updateStatus() { // Check if the displayed status contains the number of servers joined. // If so, the status needs to be updated. if (statusMessages[chosenMessageIndex].includes('{guildSize}') { let statusMessage = statusMessages[chosenMessageIndex].replaceAll('{guildSize}', client.guilds.cache.size); client.user.setActivity(statusMessage); }}
你的问题在这里:var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (status_list.length - 1) + 1);这将每次都声明相同的,这就是它不更新的原因每次将我的机器人添加到新服务器时,我都希望它刷新状态。这就是您(无意)错过的。你想要做的是,正如你已经做过的那样,使用setInterval(). 无论数字是否更改,这都会每隔一段时间刷新一次状态。您不必确保它已更改,因为它对您的实例的负载很小。现在,尝试遵循以下代码:bot.on('ready', async () => { // async is recommended as discord.js generally uses async/await. // Logs in the console that the bot is ready. console.log(`${bot.user.username} is now ready!`); // Rather than using an array, which is generally harder to use, manually set the variables instead. const status = `stuff on ${bot.guilds.cache.size} servers.` // Set the Interval of Refresh. setInterval(async () => { // Again, async is recommended, though does not do anything for our current purpose. // Set the activity inside of `setInterval()`. bot.user.setActivity(status, { type: "LISTENING" }); }, 15000) // Refreshes every 15000 miliseconds, or 15 seconds.});这应该可以满足您的需要,但正如我从您的代码中看到的那样,您试图随机状态?如果是这样,请改为执行以下操作:bot.on('ready', async () => { console.log(`${bot.user.username} is now ready!`); // In this one, you will need to make an array. Add as many as you want. const status_list = [`stuff on ${bot.guilds.cache.size} servers.`, `stuff on ${bot.channels.cache.size} channels.`]; // Now randomize a single status from the status_list. With this, you have singled out a random status. const status = Math.floor(Math.random() * status_list.length); setInterval(async () => { bot.user.setActivity(status, { type: "LISTENING" }); }, 15000)});现在,如果你想要一个不断变化的(不是随机的)状态,你可以使用下面的代码:bot.on('ready', async () => { console.log(`${bot.user.username} is now ready!`); const status_list = [`stuff on ${bot.guilds.cache.size} servers.`, `stuff on ${bot.channels.cache.size} channels.`]; // Create a new `let` variable, which can be assigned to, say, `count`. // We start from 0 so that it doesn't mess up. let count = 0; setInterval(async () => { // Check if the count is already the length of the status_list, if it is, then return to 0 again. This has to be done before the `status` variable has been set. if (count === status_list.length + 1) count = 0; // Define Status by using the counter const status = status_list[count]; // Add the counter by 1 every time the interval passed, which indicates that the status should be changed. count = count + 1; bot.user.setActivity(status, { type: "LISTENING" }); }, 15000)});