ID size price
0 1 5 300
1 2 10 500
2 3 20 600
3 4 35 800
4 5 65 900
5 6 70 1000
我想找到最低价格/尺寸,只能从列表中具有值的 ids 中找到。
ids_wanted = [1,4,6]
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
index = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
i = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5,6], index=index)
s = pd.Series([5,10,20,35,65,70],index= index)
p = pd.Series([300,500,600,800,900,1000],index= index)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[i,s,p],columns = ["ID","size","price"])
print("original df:\n",df,"\n")
ids_wanted = [1,4,6]
df_with_ids_wanted = df.loc[df['ID'].isin(ids_wanted)]
print("df with ids wanted:\n",df_with_ids_wanted,"\n")
price_per_byte = df_with_ids_wanted['price'] / df_with_ids_wanted['size']
df_with_ids_wanted_ppb = df_with_ids_wanted.assign(pricePerByte=price_per_byte)
print("df with ids wanted and price/size column:\n",df_with_ids_wanted_pps,"\n")
min_ppb = df_with_ids_wanted_pps['pricePerByte'].min()
print("min price per byte:",min_ppb)
original df:
ID size price
0 1 5 300
1 2 10 500
2 3 20 600
3 4 35 800
4 5 65 900
5 6 70 1000
df with ids wanted:
ID size price
0 1 5 300
3 4 35 800
5 6 70 1000
df with ids wanted and price/size column:
ID size price pricePerByte
0 1 5 300 60.000000
3 4 35 800 22.857143
5 6 70 1000 14.285714
min price per byte: 14.285714285714286