我不知道这是否是您所期望的,或者这是否是正确的方法,但我正在更新屏幕并等待再次用黑色填充屏幕。这似乎有效,并且线路没有冻结。import pygameimport randomy = 0screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 600))pygame.display.set_caption('Trial')running = 1while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = 0 x = random.randint(0, 600) pygame.draw.line(screen, (255, 255, 255), (x, y), (x, y + 10)) y += 1 pygame.display.update() pygame.display.flip() pygame.time.wait(1) screen.fill(pygame.Color("black"))这个档案中的雨水发生器代码在产生雨水效果方面做得很好。我已经格式化代码并将其粘贴在下面(因为该站点的格式有点混乱)。import pygameimport randomimport timeSCREENSIZE = 640, 480class Rain(object): def __init__(self, screen, height = 160, speed = 3, color = (180, 215, 228, 255), numdrops = 10): 'Create and reuse raindrop particles' self.screen = screen self.drops = [] self.height = height self.speed = speed self.color = color self.numdrops = numdrops for i in range(self.numdrops): # Randomize the size of the raindrop. raindropscale = random.randint(40, 100) / 100.0 w, h = 3, int(raindropscale * self.height) # The bigger the raindrop, the faster it moves. velocity = raindropscale * self.speed/10.0 pic = pygame.Surface((w, h), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha() colorinterval = float(self.color[3] * raindropscale)/h r, g, b = self.color[:3] for j in range(h): # The smaller the raindrop, the dimmer it is. a = int(colorinterval * j) pic.fill( (r, g, b, a), (1, j, w-2, 1) ) pygame.draw.circle(pic, (r, g, b, a), (1, h-2), 2) drop = Rain.Drop(self.speed, velocity, pic) self.drops.append(drop) def Timer(self, now): ' Render the rain' dirtyrects = [] for drop in self.drops: r = drop.Render(self.screen, now) if r: i = r.collidelist(dirtyrects) if i > -1: dirtyrects[i].union_ip(r) else: dirtyrects.append(r) return dirtyrects def AdjustSpeed(self, adj): newspeed = self.speed + adj newspeed = max(1, newspeed) newspeed = min(100, newspeed) self.speed = newspeed for drop in self.drops: drop.SetSpeed(newspeed) print ('Rain speed: %d' % newspeed) class Drop(object): ' Rain drop used by rain generator' nexttime = 0 # The next time the raindrop will draw interval = .01 # How frequently the raindrop should draw def __init__(self, speed, scale, pic): ' Initialize the rain drop' self.speed = speed self.scale = scale self.pic = pic self.size = pic.get_size() self.SetSpeed(speed) self.pos = [random.random() * SCREENSIZE[0], -random.randint(-SCREENSIZE[1], SCREENSIZE[1])] self.currentspeed = speed def SetSpeed(self, speed): ' Speed up or slow down the drop' self.speed = speed self.velocity = self.scale * self.speed/10.0 def Reset(self): ' Restart the drop at the top of the screen.' self.pos = [random.random() * SCREENSIZE[0], -random.random() * self.size[1] - self.size[1]] self.currentspeed = self.speed def Render(self, screen, now): ' Draw the rain drop' if now < self.nexttime: return None self.nexttime = now + self.interval oldrect = pygame.Rect(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.size[0], self.size[1]+self.currentspeed) self.pos[1] += self.currentspeed newrect = pygame.Rect(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.size[0], self.size[1]) r = oldrect.union(newrect) screen.blit(self.pic, self.pos) self.currentspeed += self.velocity if self.pos[1] > SCREENSIZE[1]: self.Reset() return rdef main(): # Initialize pygame pygame.init() pygame.key.set_repeat(500, 30) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREENSIZE, 0, 32) # Create rain generator rain = Rain(screen) print ('right arrow to increase speed, left arrow to decrease speed.') # Main loop quitgame = 0 while not quitgame: # Emulate CPU usage. # Commenting this out will no longer matter, # as the raindrops update on a timer. time.sleep(.01) # Draw rain dirtyrects = rain.Timer(time.time()) # Update the screen for the dirty rectangles only pygame.display.update(dirtyrects) # Fill the background with the dirty rectangles only for r in dirtyrects: screen.fill((0, 0, 0), r) # Look for user events pygame.event.pump() for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type in [pygame.QUIT, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN]: quitgame = 1 break elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if e.key == 27: quitgame = 1 break elif e.key in [pygame.K_LEFT, pygame.K_UP]: rain.AdjustSpeed(-1) elif e.key in [pygame.K_RIGHT, pygame.K_DOWN]: rain.AdjustSpeed(1) # Terminate pygame pygame.quit()if __name__ == "__main__": main()