void QSpinBox::valueChanged ( int i ) [signal]This signal is emitted whenever the spin box's value is changed. The new value's integer value is passed in i.当spin box的值发生改变时,这个信号将被发送。spin box的最新值将通过参数i传递。value : intThis property holds the slider's current value.The slider forces the value to be within the legal range: minimum <= value <= maximum.Changing the value also changes the sliderPosition.这个属性为slider的当前值,slider将强制该值在最小值和最大值之间的合法范围内。slider的滑动块位置将与这个值的改变而同步改变。Access functions:int value () constvoid setValue ( int )Notifier signal:通知信号:void valueChanged ( int value )设置范围可以使用 setRange ( int min, int max )设置步调可以使用 setSingleStep ( int )PS: The Best Way to learn QT is assistant。