//AddPolyn.cpp//Add Polynomial Pa and Pb #include <iostream.h>#include <malloc.h>#include <conio.h>#include <stdio.h>struct Term{ float coef;int expn;struct Term *next;}*LinkList;//typedef LinkList with polynomialvoid CreateList_L(struct Term * &L,int n){ //To Creatre a LinkList L with HeadNode int i;struct Term *p;L=(struct Term *)malloc(sizeof(Term));L->next=NULL;for(i=n;i>0;--i){p=(struct Term *)malloc(sizeof(Term));cout<<"coef = ";cin>>p->coef; //Reverse order inputing for Creating a LinkListcout<<"expn = ";cin>>p->expn; p->next=L->next;L->next=p;}//end of for if(n) cout<<"Success to Create a LinkList !"<<endl;else cout<<"A NULL LinkList have been created !"<<endl;} //end of function CreateListchar cmp(int qa_expn,int qb_expn) //cmp() function {//compare qa->expn and qb->expnif(qa_expn==qb_expn) return '=';else if(qa_expn>qb_expn) return'>';else return '<';}//end of cmp() functionvoid AddPolyn(struct Term * &Pa,struct Term * &Pb) //AddPolyn() function{ //Add the polynomial Pa and Pb struct Term *qa,*qb,*pre,*u; float sum;qa=Pa->next; //qa point to current node of Pa qb=Pb->next; //qb point to current node of Pb pre=Pa; //pre point to the HeadNode of Pawhile(qa&&qb) //neither qa nor qb are NULLswitch(cmp(qa->expn,qb->expn)){ case '<':pre=qa;qa=qa->next;break;case '=': //when the expn of qa == the expn of qb sum=qa->coef+qb->coef;if(sum!=0.0) { qa->coef=sum;pre=qa; //modify the current Node coef values of Pa} //end of ifelse{ pre->next=qa->next; //otherwise qa->expn=qb->expn then delete current Node in Pafree(qa);} //end of elseqa=pre->next;u=qb;qb=qb->next;free(u);break;case '>':u=qb->next;qb->next=qa;pre->next=qb;pre=qb;qb=u;break;} //end of switchif(!qa) pre->next=qb; //to link the rest of node of Pbfree(Pb);cout<<endl;}//end of AddPolyn() functionvoid main() //main() function{ struct Term *Pa,*Pb,*p; int InitLNodeNum_Pa,InitLNodeNum_Pb; //the Init LinkNode Numberscout<<"AddPolyn.cpp"<<endl<<"============="<<endl; cout<<endl<<"How many sessions of polynomial Pa do you want ? (eg. 4): ";cin>>InitLNodeNum_Pa; cout<<"Please input the Pa.coef and Pa.expn in descent order:"<<endl;cout<<"For example: (coef=3,expn=21);(coef=7,expn=9);(coef=4,expn=1);(coef=5,expn=0)"<<endl;CreateList_L(Pa,InitLNodeNum_Pa); //to create polynomial Pa LinkList with //the InitLNodeNum_Pa=input number +1 cout<<endl<<"How many sessions of polynomial Pb do you want ? (eg. 3): ";cin>>InitLNodeNum_Pb; cout<<"Please input the Pb.coef and Pb.expn in descent order:"<<endl;cout<<"For example: (coef=-7,expn=9);(coef=13,expn=6);(coef=8,expn=1)"<<endl;CreateList_L(Pb,InitLNodeNum_Pb); //to create polynomial Pb LinkList with//the InitLNodeNum_Pb=input number +1 AddPolyn(Pa,Pb); //AddPolyn Pa and Pbp=Pa;cout<<"Result:"<<endl;while(p->next) //output Pa=Pa+Pb{ p=p->next;cout<<"(Pc.coef="<<p->coef<<",";cout<<"Pc.expn="<<p->expn<<")"<<endl; }// end of whilecout<<endl<<"OK...!"<<endl;getch();}//end of main() function