#video例如,如果发送了视频附件并且它实际上是视频附件,我正在尝试在某个频道中制作机器人,那么机器人将在该频道中回复某些内容并将视频附件复制到另一个频道。如果是短信,机器人只会删除短信。我目前没有代码,因为我不知道 lol.Ž
const {MessageAttachment, Client} = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client();
client.on('message', msg => {
if (msg.channel.id == '728664668834627705') { // Valiate a channel
const attachments = (msg.attachments).array(); // Get list of attachments
const attachment = attachments[0]; // Take the first attachment
if (msg.content) return msg.delete() // Delet the message if it has conetnt
if (attachments.length !== 0) {
const nameArray = attachment.name.split('.'); //Split the name
const attEx = nameArray[nameArray.length - 1] //Grap the last value of the array.
if (attEx == "mp4" || attEx == "Or what ever fromat you want") {
// Note this doesn't check the file it check the format of the file.
const channel = client.channels.cache.get(`728664692012089366`) // Get the channel you want to send to by id
const snetAttachment = new MessageAttachment(attachment.proxyURL);
return channel.send(snetAttachment)
msg.delete() // Delete teh message fi it doesn't pass the validations