DatabaseManager d1 = new DatabaseManager();
数据库管理器脚本附加到 Player 游戏对象
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using CompanionLibrary; //include my library to utilise its functions
//use neccessary libraries.
//This class handles sending game data to the database.
public class DatabaseManager : MonoBehaviour
//declare variables to hold data values.
static string username;
string password;
int score =0;
int kills=0; //initialise variables to 0
int bulletsFired=0;
int bulletsHit=0;
int bulletsMissed=0;
int timePlayed = 0;
int scorePerMin=0;
StatGeneration companion = new StatGeneration();
//On awake function to check if sign in or logged in booleans are set.
public void Awake()
if (ButtonManagers.signedUp == true) //if signedUp boolean is true....
username = ButtonManagers.signUpUsername; //assign the username to equal the signUpUsername value.
password = ButtonManagers.signUpPassword; //assign the password to equal the signUpPassword value.
Debug.Log("Username: " + username);
Debug.Log("Password: " + password);
//if loggedIn boolean is true....
if (ButtonManagers.loggedIn == true)
username = ButtonManagers.loginUsername;//assign the username to equal the loggedInUsername value.
password = ButtonManagers.loginPassword;//assign the password to equal the loggedInPassword value.