所以基本上我需要使用 goroutine 做一个 Dijkstra 程序。
除了 goroutine 有一点问题,我基本上什么都做了。由于它是 Dijkstra 算法,因此我使用一个函数来查找从给定节点到所有其他节点的最短路径。goroutine 必须帮助我找到从 n 到 n 节点的最短路径,如下面的代码所示。
//This function will get us all the shortest paths from all the nodes to all the other nodes
//list []Edge here is our list containing all the characteristics given by the .txt file
//nodes []int gives us all the nodes in our graph
//map[int]map[int][]int is all the results for the paths for e.g {1:{2:[1 2](the paths that it took) 3:[1 3]...} 2:{1:{2 1}...}...}
//map[int]map[int]int is all the distances for the different paths for e.g {1:{2:1 3:2 4:3...},2...}
func Dijkstra(list []Edge, nodes []int) (map[int]map[int][]int, map[int]map[int]int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup // Waitgroup so that we won't get some things done before all the goroutines are done
dijk := make(map[int]map[int][]int)
distance := make(map[int]map[int]int)
//start := time.Now()
neighbors := getAllNeighbors(list, nodes)
//We get all the neighbors for every node we have in our graph
//{1:[{1 2 1},{1 3 2}],B:...}
for _, node := range nodes { //for every node we have we are going to get the shortest path to all the other nodes
var routes map[int][]int
var distances map[int]int
wg.Add(1) //We add our next goroutine in the waitgroup
go func() { //goroutine
routes, distances = oneDijkstra(node, &wg, list, nodes, neighbors) //function that will give us the shortes path from the node to other nodes of the list
问题是这段代码在其实际状态下并不能很好地使用 goroutines。我想知道我应该把它放在哪里以使我的结果更快(因为这里就像没有 goroutines)。提前感谢任何能够给我一些解决方案的人。