那这个呢?new_dict = df.set_index('image').stack().groupby('image').apply(list).to_dict()print(new_dict){'bookstore_video0_40.jpg': [763, 899, 806, 940, 'pedestrian', 1026, 754, 1075, 797, 'pedestrian', 868, 770, 927, 822, 'biker', 413, 1010, 433, 1040, 'pedestrian'], 'bookstore_video0_80.jpg': [866, 278, 917, 328, 'pedestrian', 761, 825, 820, 865, 'biker']}
这是一个基于您的示例的工作示例,但读取实际的 XML 文件除外。非常感谢。我怀疑您的回答会很有用,因为这是机器视觉领域的人们在进行诸如切割已经注释的 4K 图像之类的事情时会遇到的问题。import sysimport globimport numpy as npimport pandas as pdfrom lxml import etreefrom pathlib import Path, PurePosixPathfrom xml.etree import ElementTree as ETdf = pd.DataFrame(dict( image = '40.jpg 40.jpg 40.jpg 40.jpg 80.jpg 80.jpg'.split(), xmin = [763, 1026, 868, 413, 866, 761], ymin = [899, 754, 770, 1010, 278, 825], xmax = [806, 1075, 927, 433, 917, 820], ymax = [940, 797, 822, 1040, 328, 865], label = 'pedestrian pedestrian biker pedestrian pedestrian biker'.split(),))for img in df['image'].unique(): img_df = df[df['image']==img].drop(columns = 'image').reset_index() boxes = range(img_df.shape[0]) print(img, '\n', img_df) # Ideally your custom voc writer can be inited here # with something like: image = img # v_writer = VocWriter(f'path/{img[:-4]}.xml') print("New custom VOC Writer instance inited here!") depth = 3 filepath = PurePosixPath('image') annotation = ET.Element('annotation') ET.SubElement(annotation, 'folder').text = str(image) ET.SubElement(annotation, 'filename').text = str(image) ET.SubElement(annotation, 'segmented').text = '0' size = ET.SubElement(annotation, 'size') ET.SubElement(size, 'width').text = str('0') ET.SubElement(size, 'height').text = str('0') ET.SubElement(size, 'depth').text = str('3') for box in boxes: xmin = img_df.loc[box,'xmin'] ymin = img_df.loc[box,'ymin'] xmax = img_df.loc[box,'xmax'] ymax = img_df.loc[box,'ymax'] label = img_df.loc[box,'label'] print(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # Inside of this loop, # you can add each box to your VocWriter object # something like: ob = ET.SubElement(annotation, 'object') ET.SubElement(ob, 'name').text = str(img_df.loc[box,'label']) ET.SubElement(ob, 'pose').text = 'Unspecified' ET.SubElement(ob, 'truncated').text = '0' ET.SubElement(ob, 'difficult').text = '0' bbox = ET.SubElement(ob, 'bndbox') ET.SubElement(bbox, 'xmin').text = str(img_df.loc[box,'xmin']) ET.SubElement(bbox, 'ymin').text = str(img_df.loc[box,'ymin']) ET.SubElement(bbox, 'xmax').text = str(img_df.loc[box,'xmax']) ET.SubElement(bbox, 'ymax').text = str(img_df.loc[box,'ymax']) # Once you exit that inner loop, # you can save your data to your .xml file # with something like: # v_writer.save(f'path/{img[:-4]}.xml') print(".xml file saved here!") fileName = str(img) tree = ET.ElementTree(annotation) tree.write("./mergedxml/" + fileName + ".xml", encoding='utf8')
也许您需要在groupby上使用 dict 和tuple/list:images_dict = dict(tuple(df.groupby('image')))
我想将此作为评论而不是答案,但链接太长:我写了一个voc作家。我只需要能够以这样的方式传递数据,以便我可以遍历它。我有一个不同的数据集,我在其中做类似的事情,但数据已经是一种易于使用的形式。对于我的项目,我花了很多时间编辑、清理、转换等数据。对我来说不好玩😁 – Robi Sen你的 voc 作家是如何工作的?它是否类似于我链接到的那个(即使用 OPP 并具有用于将 bbox 数据添加到 xml 编写器实例的类方法,然后是另一种将该实例保存到 xml 文件的方法?)评论写得不好,这里有一个更好的例子来说明我的意思:import pandas as pddf = pd.DataFrame(dict( image = '40.jpg 40.jpg 40.jpg 40.jpg 80.jpg 80.jpg'.split(), xmin = [763, 1026, 868, 413, 866, 761], ymin = [899, 754, 770, 1010, 278, 825], xmax = [806, 1075, 927, 433, 917, 820], ymax = [940, 797, 822, 1040, 328, 865], label = 'pedestrian pedestrian biker pedestrian pedestrian biker'.split(),))for img in df['image'].unique(): img_df = df[df['image']==img].drop(columns = 'image').reset_index() boxes = range(img_df.shape[0]) print(img, '\n', img_df) # Ideally your custom voc writer can be inited here # with something like: # v_writer = VocWriter(f'path/{img[:-4]}.xml') print('New custom VOC XML Writer instance inited here!') for box in boxes: xmin = img_df.loc[box,'xmin'] ymin = img_df.loc[box,'ymin'] xmax = img_df.loc[box,'xmax'] ymax = img_df.loc[box,'ymax'] label = img_df.loc[box,'label'] print(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) # Inside of this loop, # you can add each box to your VocWriter object # something like: # v_writer.addObject(label, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) print('New bbox object added to writer instance here!') # Once you exit that inner loop, # you can save your data to your .xml file # with something like: # v_writer.save(f'path/{img[:-4]}.xml') print(f'path/{img[:-4]}.xml file saved here!')逐步浏览python导师中的示例,以更好地了解我的想法