我想为我的库的一种方法启用 Promise 取消。我只对取消异步迭代的承诺感兴趣,因为这些承诺很有可能无限期地挂起。reduce
const reduceAsyncIterable = async (fn, possiblyX0, state, x) => {
const iter = x[Symbol.asyncIterator]()
const y0 = isUndefined(possiblyX0) ? (await iter.next()).value : possiblyX0
if (isUndefined(y0)) {
throw new TypeError('reduce(...)(x); x cannot be empty')
let y = await fn(y0, (await iter.next()).value)
for await (const xi of iter) {
if (state.cancelled) return // stops async iterating if `cancel` called
y = await fn(y, xi)
return y
const reduce = (fn, x0) => {
if (!isFunction(fn)) {
throw new TypeError('reduce(x, y); x is not a function')
return x => {
if (isIterable(x)) return reduceIterable(fn, x0, x)
if (isAsyncIterable(x)) {
const state = { cancelled: false, resolve: () => {} }
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
state.resolve = resolve
reduceAsyncIterable(fn, x0, state, x).then(
y => state.cancelled || resolve(y)
p.cancel = () => { state.cancelled = true; state.resolve() } // shortcircuit the Promise `p` on `cancel` call
return p
if (is(Object)(x)) return reduceObject(fn, x0, x)
throw new TypeError('reduce(...)(x); x invalid')
上面的代码似乎有效,但我不禁觉得这里有内存泄漏。特别是,在 和 。如果这些等待语句需要永远(它们可能用于异步迭代器),则可能永远不会返回。从用户的角度来看,这很好,因为在 中发生了短路,因为用户看到的承诺已解决。但从计算机的角度来看,取消此操作的承诺会导致内存泄漏吗?await iter.next()for await (const xi of iter)reduceAsyncIterablereduce
const myOngoingTaskPromise = reduce(someReducer, null)(myInfiniteAsyncIterable)
myOngoingTaskPromise.cancel() // resolves myOngoingTaskPromise with undefined
myOngoingTaskPromise // Promise { undefined }