http://www.songho.ca/opengl/gl_vbo.html - 我只能从中抓取一些信息,因为它是在C / C++中。
如何让 VBO 与蟒蛇和 PyOpenGL 一起工作 - 这是在 Python2 中,因此是相当有限的。
def initGL(self):
self.vertProg = open(self.vertPath, 'r')
self.fragProg = open(self.fragPath, 'r')
self.vertCode = self.vertProg.read()
self.fragCode = self.fragProg.read()
self.vertShader = shaders.compileShader(self.vertCode, GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
self.fragShader = shaders.compileShader(self.fragCode, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
self.shader = shaders.compileProgram(self.vertShader, self.fragShader)
#paintGL uses shape objects, such as cube() or mesh(). Shape objects require the following:
#a list named 'vertices' - This list is a list of points, from which edges and faces are drawn.
#a list named 'wires' - This list is a list of tuples which refer to vertices, dictating where to draw wires.
#a list named 'facets' - This list is a list of tuples which refer to vertices, ditating where to draw facets.
#a bool named 'render' - This bool is used to dictate whether or not to draw the shape.
#a bool named 'drawWires' - This bool is used to dictate whether wires should be drawn.
#a bool named 'drawFaces' - This bool is used to dictate whether facets should be drawn.
如何设置和配置一个或多个虚拟操作系统,以将所有这些信息传输到 GPU 和 OpenGL?