我为 Max 堆编写了代码,我想基于它创建一个抽象类,这样我就可以为不仅仅是“Max”堆的堆提供一个一般大纲。
public class MaxHeap {
// A class for nodes, just has 3 fields, lchild, rchild, and value
private HeapNode top;
private List<HeapNode> heap;
public MaxHeap() {
this.top = null;
this.heap = new ArrayList<>();
//I won't go into the guts of these methods, but will explain
//Displays the heap like [1,2,3,4,5,...]
public void display() {...}
//Adds a new HeapNode to the end of heap, if empty sets to top
public void add(int value) {...}
//Deletes a HeapNode at index pos
public void delete(int pos) {...}
//Swaps 2 Nodes within the heap
protected void swap(int pos, int otherPos) {...}
//// These are the methods that actually differ depending on the
//// type of heap (maxheap, minheap, etc) so I would assume they
//// would be abstract methods if writing an abstract class?
//Called within add method, heapifys the heap after adding a new Node
protected void addHeapify(int pos) {...}
//Called within delete method, heapifys the heap after deleted Node
protected void deleteHeapify(int pos) {...}
//Called within deleteHeapify for "if (pos==0) {...}", delete max Node
protected deleteExtremum() {...}
public abstract class Heap {
private HeapNode top;
private List<HeapNode> heap;
public Heap() {...}
// **************
// public methods
// **************
public void display() {...}
public void add(int value) {...}
public void delete(int pos) {...}