使用反射包编写用于提取字段的“通用”函数:func extractField(s interface{}, name string) []interface{} { var result []interface{} v := reflect.ValueOf(s) for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { result = append(result, reflect.Indirect(v.Index(i)).FieldByName(name).Interface()) } return result}像这样使用它:logger.Debugf("personProcessor starting for people: %v", extractField(persons, "ID"))该功能可以扩展到包括格式化花里胡哨的东西:// sprintFields prints the field name in slice of struct s // using the specified format.func sprintFields(s interface{}, name string, sep string, format string) string { var fields []string v := reflect.ValueOf(s) for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { fields = append(fields, fmt.Sprintf(format, reflect.Indirect(v.Index(i)).FieldByName(name).Interface())) } return strings.Join(fields, sep)}
请参阅此使用反射和字符串构建的函数:func printPersonField(persons []Person, field string) { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) fmt.Fprintf(buf, "Persons (%s): [", field) for i := range persons { if i > 0 { fmt.Fprint(buf, ", ") } fmt.Fprint(buf, reflect.ValueOf(persons[i]).FieldByName(field).Interface()) } fmt.Fprint(buf, "]") log.Println(buf.String())}用法如下:func main() { persons := []Person{ {1, "first1", "last1"}, {2, "first2", "last2"}, {3, "first3", "last3"}, } printPersonField(persons, "ID") printPersonField(persons, "FirstName") printPersonField(persons, "LastName") }输出:2009/11/10 23:00:00 Persons (ID): [1, 2, 3]2009/11/10 23:00:00 Persons (FirstName): [first1, first2, first3]2009/11/10 23:00:00 Persons (LastName): [last1, last2, last3]请注意,这不是“通用”,因为它不适用于任何类型。它严格接受输入。如果你想让它适用于其他类型的其他结构切片,那么请参阅我爱反射的答案。[]Person