在第一步,您可以将所有可能的电子邮件对收集到数组中:$tmpforeach($array as $record){ $tmp1[$record['email_adr']][] = $record['ad_owner_email']; }这将创建如下数组:Array( [jos@pl.nuu] => Array ( [0] => boo@gmail.qom ) [boo@gmail.qom] => Array ( [0] => pelle@med.nuu [1] => jos@pl.nuu ) )现在,您可以使用进一步的逻辑:foreach($array as $ind=>$record){ if (isset($tmp1[$record['ad_owner_email']]) && !empty($tmp1[$record['ad_owner_email']]) ) { if (in_array($record['email_adr'],$tmp1[$record['ad_owner_email']])) { // index of current value in $tmp1 array $tm1 = array_search($record['ad_owner_email'],$tmp1[$record['email_adr']]); // delete an element from $tmp1 and from $array unset($tmp1[$record['email_adr']][$tm1]); unset($array[$ind]); } } } 编辑根据以下要求$array = [["id"=>"111","email_adr"=>"AAA","ad_owner_email"=>"BBB"], ["id"=>"111","email_adr"=>"BBB","ad_owner_email"=>"CCC"], ["id"=>"111","email_adr"=>"BBB","ad_owner_email"=>"AAA"], <--discarded ["id"=>"500","email_adr"=>"QQQ","ad_owner_email"=>"PPP"], ["id"=>"500","email_adr"=>"PPP","ad_owner_email"=>"QQQ"], <--discarded ["id"=>"1000","email_adr"=>"PPP","ad_owner_email"=>"QQQ"], <-saved because id=1000 and differs from id=500 ];--------==::Desired result::==-----------Array( [0] => Array ( [id] => 111 [email_adr] => AAA [ad_owner_email] => BBB ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 111 [email_adr] => BBB [ad_owner_email] => CCC ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 500 [email_adr] => QQQ [ad_owner_email] => PPP ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1000 [email_adr] => PPP [ad_owner_email] => QQQ ))您可以使用 next 逻辑而不是上一个逻辑:// removes duplicate elements from multidimentional array$array = array_unique($array, SORT_REGULAR);// foreach($array ...) //<-- creating an array $tmp1foreach($array as $ind=>$record){ $id = $record['id']; $em_owner = $record['ad_owner_email']; $em_adr = $record['email_adr']; if (isset( $tmp1[$id][$em_owner] ) && !empty( $tmp1[$id][$em_owner] ) && in_array( $em_adr, $tmp1[$id][$em_owner] ) && in_array( $em_owner, $tmp1[$id][$em_adr] ) ) { // indexes of pair values (both, direct and vice versa) $tm1 = array_search($em_adr, $tmp1[$id][$em_owner]); $tm2 = array_search($em_owner, $tmp1[$id][$em_adr]); // index of the row in main data set where these values a placed in defined positions. $in = getIndex($array, ['a'=>$em_owner, 'b'=>$em_adr, 'c'=>$id]); // removing data about paired values in $tmp1 array and in the main $array unset( $tmp1[$id][$em_adr][$tm2] ); unset( $tmp1[$id][$em_owner][$tm1] ); unset( $array[$in] ); } } // additional function for receiving index of the rowfunction getIndex($data,$ne){ foreach($data as $key=>$val){ if ($val['id'] === $ne['c'] && $val['email_adr'] === $ne['a'] && $val['ad_owner_email'] === $ne['b']) return $key; } return -1;}演示2如果你有一个问题,那么你可以使用下一个代码而不是提到:SORT_REGULARarray_unique()$array = array_map("unserialize", array_unique(array_map("serialize", $array)));