问题 https://www.codechef.com/problems/MATPH 的链接 所以,我在这个问题上停留了几个小时,我不知道我错在哪里。我使用Eratosthenes的Sieve来查找素数,并将所有素数保存在哈希映射中。在线法官在测试用例上给了我错误的答案。
static void dri(int n) {
long large=0;int r=0,x,count=0,p,count1=0;
//To understand why I calculated x let's take an example
//let n=530 sqrt(530) is 23 so for all the numbers greater than 23 when
//we square them they will come out to be greater than n
//so now I just have to check the numbers till x because numbers
//greater than x will defiantly fail.I think you get
//what I'm trying to explain
while(r<x) {
r = map.get(++count); // Prime numbers will be fetched from map and stored in r
int exp = (int) (Math.log(n) / Math.log(r));
//To explain this line let n=64 and r=3.Now, exp will be equal to 3
//This result implies that for r=3 the 3^exp is the //maximum(less than n) value which I can calculate by having a prime in a power
if (exp != 1) { //This is just to resolve an error dont mind this line
if (map.containsValue(exp) == false) {
//This line implies that when exp is not prime
//So as I need prime number next lines of code will calculate the nearest prime to exp
count1 = exp;
while (!map.containsValue(--count1)) ;
exp = count1;
int temp = (int) Math.pow(r, exp);
if (large < temp)
large = temp;