我正在 Exercism 网站上做一个练习,我对如何开始这个练习有点困惑。我不想要任何详细的答案;我只是在寻找如何开始的正确方向。当给定一组 (x, y) 坐标时,我想知道是否有任何特定的 Python 模块、函数等可以帮助我确定该点在网格上的位置,尤其是与圆相关的位置在以 (0, 0) 为中心的网格上。
我希望这对我正在寻找的东西更具体一点!我在编写程序时没有任何特别的问题(还没有!),但我什至不知道如何开始,因为我不确定是否需要从头开始编写一个函数来解决上述所有问题,或者如果 Python 已经有一些东西可以帮助完成这个特定的任务。
Write a function that returns the earned points in a single toss of a Darts game.
Darts is a game where players throw darts to a target.
In our particular instance of the game, the target rewards with 4 different amounts of points, depending on where the dart lands:
If the dart lands outside the target, player earns no points (0 points).
If the dart lands in the outer circle of the target, player earns 1 point.
If the dart lands in the middle circle of the target, player earns 5 points.
If the dart lands in the inner circle of the target, player earns 10 points.
The outer circle has a radius of 10 units (This is equivalent to the total radius for the entire target), the middle circle a radius of 5 units, and the inner circle a radius of 1. Of course, they are all centered to the same point (That is, the circles are concentric) defined by the coordinates (0, 0).
Write a function that given a point in the target (defined by its real cartesian coordinates x and y), returns the correct amount earned by a dart landing in that point.