您可以尝试类似于下面的代码。代码打印TableView十个项目。然后它清除TableView并添加十个要打印的项目。它将继续此过程,直到打印完所有项目。它打开打印对话框。这将允许您将打印件保存为 PDF 以查看它,而不是浪费纸张。import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.List;import javafx.application.Application;import javafx.collections.FXCollections;import javafx.collections.ObservableList;import javafx.geometry.Insets;import javafx.geometry.Pos;import javafx.print.PrinterJob;import javafx.scene.Scene;import javafx.scene.control.Button;import javafx.scene.control.Label;import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;import javafx.scene.control.TableView;import javafx.scene.control.cell.PropertyValueFactory;import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;import javafx.scene.layout.VBox;import javafx.scene.paint.Color;import javafx.scene.text.Font;import javafx.scene.text.FontWeight;import javafx.scene.text.Text;import javafx.stage.Stage;public class FxTableViewExample1 extends Application{ private TableView<Book> table; private ObservableList<Book> data; private Text actionStatus; public static void main(String[] args) { Application.launch(args); } @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { primaryStage.setTitle("Table View Example 1"); // Books label Label label = new Label("Books"); label.setTextFill(Color.DARKBLUE); label.setFont(Font.font("Calibri", FontWeight.BOLD, 36)); HBox hb = new HBox(); hb.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); hb.getChildren().add(label); // Table view, data, columns and properties table = new TableView(); data = getInitialTableData(); table.setItems(data); TableColumn titleCol = new TableColumn("Title"); titleCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("title")); TableColumn authorCol = new TableColumn("Author"); authorCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory("author")); table.getColumns().setAll(titleCol, authorCol); table.setPrefWidth(450); table.setPrefHeight(300); table.setColumnResizePolicy(TableView.CONSTRAINED_RESIZE_POLICY); // Status message text actionStatus = new Text(); actionStatus.setFill(Color.FIREBRICK); Button button = new Button("Print"); // Vbox VBox vbox = new VBox(20); vbox.setPadding(new Insets(25, 25, 25, 25));; vbox.getChildren().addAll(hb, table, actionStatus, button); // Scene Scene scene = new Scene(vbox, 500, 475); // w x h primaryStage.setScene(scene); primaryStage.show(); // Select the first row table.getSelectionModel().select(0); Book book = table.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); actionStatus.setText(book.toString()); List<List<Book>> bookLists = partition(data, 10); button.setOnAction((event) -> { PrinterJob printerJob = PrinterJob.createPrinterJob(); printerJob.showPrintDialog(primaryStage); for (int i = 0; i < bookLists.size(); i++) { data.clear(); data.addAll(bookLists.get(i)); printerJob.printPage(table); } printerJob.endJob(); }); } private ObservableList getInitialTableData() { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new Book("The Thief", "Fuminori Nakamura")); list.add(new Book("Of Human Bondage", "Somerset Maugham")); list.add(new Book("The Bluest Eye", "Toni Morrison")); list.add(new Book("I Am Ok You Are Ok", "Thomas Harris")); list.add(new Book("Magnificent Obsession", "Lloyd C Douglas")); list.add(new Book("100 Years of Solitude", "Gabriel Garcia Marquez")); list.add(new Book("What the Dog Saw", "Malcolm Gladwell")); list.add(new Book("The Fakir", "Ruzbeh Bharucha")); list.add(new Book("The Hobbit", "J.R.R. Tolkien")); list.add(new Book("Strange Life of Ivan Osokin", "P.D. Ouspensky")); list.add(new Book("The Hunt for Red October", "Tom Clancy")); list.add(new Book("Coma", "Robin Cook")); list.add(new Book("A Catskill Eagle", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Children of Men", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Clouds of Witness", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("A Confederacy of Dunces", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Consider Phlebas", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Consider the Lilies", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Cover Her Face", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Cricket on the Hearth", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Daffodil Sky", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Dance Dance Dance", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("A Darkling Plain", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Thief", "Fuminori Nakamura")); list.add(new Book("Of Human Bondage", "Somerset Maugham")); list.add(new Book("The Bluest Eye", "Toni Morrison")); list.add(new Book("I Am Ok You Are Ok", "Thomas Harris")); list.add(new Book("Magnificent Obsession", "Lloyd C Douglas")); list.add(new Book("100 Years of Solitude", "Gabriel Garcia Marquez")); list.add(new Book("What the Dog Saw", "Malcolm Gladwell")); list.add(new Book("The Fakir", "Ruzbeh Bharucha")); list.add(new Book("The Hobbit", "J.R.R. Tolkien")); list.add(new Book("Strange Life of Ivan Osokin", "P.D. Ouspensky")); list.add(new Book("The Hunt for Red October", "Tom Clancy")); list.add(new Book("Coma", "Robin Cook")); list.add(new Book("A Catskill Eagle", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Children of Men", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Clouds of Witness", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("A Confederacy of Dunces", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Consider Phlebas", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Consider the Lilies", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Cover Her Face", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Cricket on the Hearth", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("The Daffodil Sky", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("Dance Dance Dance", "xxx")); list.add(new Book("A Darkling Plain", "xxx")); return FXCollections.observableList(list); } private static <T> List<List<T>> partition(Collection<T> members, int maxSize) { List<List<T>> res = new ArrayList<>(); List<T> internal = new ArrayList<>(); for (T member : members) { internal.add(member); if (internal.size() == maxSize) { res.add(internal); internal = new ArrayList<>(); } } if (internal.isEmpty() == false) { res.add(internal); } return res; }}