docker multi-stage build Go image - x509:


FROM golang:latest as builder


COPY go.mod go.sum ./

RUN go mod download

COPY . .

RUN  GO111MODULE="on" CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o main ${MAIN_PATH}

FROM alpine:latest

LABEL maintainer="Kozmo"

RUN apk add --no-cache bash


COPY --from=builder /app/main .


CMD ["./main"]

并得到x509: certificate signed by unknown authority错误

Step 1/13 : FROM golang:latest as builder

 ---> 2421885b04da

Step 2/13 : WORKDIR /app

 ---> Using cache

 ---> 6555644dbd16

Step 3/13 : COPY go.mod go.sum ./

 ---> 55d45a30f492

Step 4/13 : RUN go mod download

 ---> Running in 88c21c6b4fab

go: Get "": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

The command '/bin/sh -c go mod download' returned a non-zero code: 1

make: *** [docker] Error 1

浏览 160回答 4


git用于curl访问https服务器,因此您需要将证书导入CA store系统。解决方法是GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1在你的 Agent 环境变量上定义环境变量,但是在使用go get或go mod download😭时不起作用。要在系统 CA 存储上导入证书,过程取决于您必须使用的操作系统openssl。例如FROM golang:latest as builderRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ca-certificates opensslARG cert_location=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates# Get certificate from ""RUN openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > ${cert_location}/github.crt# Get certificate from ""RUN openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >&nbsp; ${cert_location}/proxy.golang.crt# Update certificatesRUN update-ca-certificatesWORKDIR /appCOPY go.mod go.sum ./RUN go mod downloadCOPY . .RUN&nbsp; GO111MODULE="on" CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o main ${MAIN_PATH}FROM alpine:latestLABEL maintainer="Kozmo"RUN apk add --no-cache bashWORKDIR /appCOPY --from=builder /app/main .EXPOSE 8080CMD ["./main"]docker image build输出👇🏼...Step 5/19 : RUN openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM > ${cert_location}/github.crt&nbsp;---> Running in bb797e26d4b4Removing intermediate container bb797e26d4b4&nbsp;---> 6c68ddafd884Step 6/19 : RUN openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null 2>/dev/null|openssl x509 -outform PEM >&nbsp; ${cert_location}/proxy.golang.crt&nbsp;---> Running in 61f59939d75eRemoving intermediate container 61f59939d75e&nbsp;---> 72d2b03b11e6Step 7/19 : RUN update-ca-certificates&nbsp;---> Running in 6cf9aa248776Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...2 added, 0 removed; done. 👈🏻 'certificates updated'...Step 8/18 : COPY go.mod go.sum ./&nbsp;---> 436263b76050Step 9/18 : RUN go mod download 👈🏻 'works fine'&nbsp;---> Running in 2387c78147dbRemoving intermediate container 2387c78147db&nbsp;---> a37c05c2b531Step 10/18 : COPY . .&nbsp;---> 01b49c388f59...


应对自我证明 ( .crt) 有帮助1️⃣ 添加.crt到必填项dir.└── backend&nbsp; &nbsp; ├── Dockerfile&nbsp; &nbsp; ├── Makefile&nbsp; &nbsp; ├── cmd&nbsp; &nbsp; │&nbsp; &nbsp;└── main.go&nbsp; &nbsp; ├── etc&nbsp; &nbsp; │&nbsp; &nbsp;├── ssl&nbsp; &nbsp; │&nbsp; &nbsp;│&nbsp; &nbsp;└── github.crt #❗️a copy of the self certificate&nbsp;2️⃣ COPY'builder'-container 的证书FROM golang:latest as builderCOPY&nbsp; etc/ssl/ /etc/ssl/certs/ #❗️add certificates to the container&nbsp;WORKDIR /appCOPY go.mod go.sum ./RUN go mod download


我会建议几件事:在与最终代码映像相同的操作系统发行版中构建您的代码,以便您确定您的代码将在该特定发行版中运行。此外,某些发行版要求证书位于不同的文件夹中,因此请注意这一点。对第一个图像使用 alpine 将大大减少您的构建时间。您可以在这里&nbsp;latest看到大小约为 260M,但alpine约为 100M。最好使用特定版本的 alpine,这样您就可以确保您的代码在该版本中运行(我让您自行决定)Golang 非常强大的一点是你可以在一个名为 的空 docker 镜像中运行它scratch,这意味着你最终的 docker 镜像不包含你自己的可执行文件。如果您需要自己的证书,则必须将它们包含在代码中并在执行之前复制它们,update-ca-certificates以便它们包含在最终文件中这是我上面解释的 dockerfile 的示例FROM golang:alpine as builderWORKDIR /app# This will download all certificates (ca-certificates) and builds it in a# single file under /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt (update-ca-certificates)# I also add git so that we can download with `go mod download` and# tzdata to configure timezone in final imageRUN apk --update add --no-cache ca-certificates openssl git tzdata && \update-ca-certificatesCOPY go.mod go.sum ./RUN go mod downloadCOPY . .RUN&nbsp; GO111MODULE="on" CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o main ${MAIN_PATH}# Golang can run in a scratch image, so that, the only thing that your docker&nbsp;# image contains is your executableFROM scratchLABEL maintainer="Kozmo"COPY --from=builder /usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/share/zoneinfo# This line will copy all certificates to final imageCOPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/WORKDIR /appCOPY --from=builder /app/main .EXPOSE 8080CMD ["./main"]如果自己的证书将第一个 docker 阶段替换为:FROM golang:alpine as builderWORKDIR /appRUN apk --update add --no-cache ca-certificates openssl git tzdataCOPY your/cert/path /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/your-cert-nameRUN update-ca-certificatesCOPY go.mod go.sum ./RUN go mod downloadCOPY . .RUN&nbsp; GO111MODULE="on" CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o main ${MAIN_PATH}因为您使用自己的证书,所以您的最终证书Dockerfile将如下所示:FROM golang:alpine as builderWORKDIR /appRUN apk --update add --no-cache ca-certificates openssl git tzdataCOPY your/cert/path /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/your-cert-nameRUN update-ca-certificatesCOPY go.mod go.sum ./RUN go mod downloadCOPY . .RUN&nbsp; GO111MODULE="on" CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o main ${MAIN_PATH}FROM scratchLABEL maintainer="Kozmo"COPY --from=builder /usr/share/zoneinfo /usr/share/zoneinfo# This line will copy all certificates to final imageCOPY --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/WORKDIR /appCOPY --from=builder /app/main .EXPOSE 8080CMD ["./main"]如果您有任何疑问,请随时问我:)


从你的错误信息获取“”:x509:未知权威签署的证书看起来 的 CA 根不是您的私有 corp docker 环境中受信任的根 CA 的一部分。我会尝试安装它:1 - 从 获取证书:echo&nbsp;-n&nbsp;|&nbsp;openssl&nbsp;s_client&nbsp;-connect&nbsp;;|&nbsp;sed&nbsp;-ne&nbsp;'/-BEGIN&nbsp;CERTIFICATE-/,/-END&nbsp;CERTIFICATE-/p'&nbsp;>&nbsp;./golang.cer如果你打开 golang.cer 你应该看到证书链2 - 将其安装在您信任的根 CA 中:certutil.exe&nbsp;-addstore&nbsp;root&nbsp;golang.cer...或在 Mac 上:2a - 双击证书文件(带有“.cer”扩展名)2b - 从钥匙串选项中选择“系统”。然后按“确定”2c - 弹出以下窗口时,单击“始终信任”按钮。

