该变量dataTypeModel未在代码的任何位置声明。如果您想以通用方式返回,您应该执行以下操作:public DataTypeModel<T> GetDataType<T>(string str) where T : class { List<DataTypeDomain> dataTypeDomain = new List<DataTypeDomain>(); _dataProvider.ExecuteCmd( "config_select_by_key", inputParamMapper: delegate (SqlParameterCollection paramCol) { paramCol.AddWithValue("@ConfigKey", str); }, singleRecordMapper: delegate (IDataReader reader, short set) { int i = 0; DataTypeModel<int> dataTypeModel = new DataTypeModel<int>(); string key = string.Format("Key{0}", i); DataTypeDomain dtd = dataTypeDomain.Find(x => x.ConfigKey == key); dataTypeModel.ConfigKey = dtd.ConfigKey; dataTypeModel.ConfigValue = int.Parse(dtd.ConfigValue); } ); return new DataTypeModel<T>() { ConfigKey = "What your key is", ConfigValue = dataTypeDomain.First() as T //Supposing that the list only contains one config element , if not, you should change your method return type to a List<DataTypeModel<T>> and return a List doing this for each element. }; }然后在您的界面中:public interface IDataTypeService{ DataTypeModel<T> GetDataType<T>(string str) where T : class;}快速说明当您使用泛型时,您应该在以下方法上指定 T :DataTypeModel<T> GetDataType<T>(string str) --> Only use T inside method scope另一种声明方式T是在类/接口级别,例如:public interface IDataTypeService<T> --> With this you can use `T` in all of the class/interface此外,如果你想指定一些T应该遵循的约束,你可以这样做:where T : class; --> In our case this allow us to cast the object to T该代码未经测试,但我想它应该可以工作。