问题是每次KeyFrame触发时,您都会重置moved标志。这需要用户在帧之间触发至少 2 个KEY_PRESSED事件才能获得改变的方向。假设您想阻止用户在第一帧之前改变方向,您应该删除if条件中的否定。(根据您尝试使用标志实现的目标,您可能需要不同的修复)。scene.setOnKeyPressed(event -> { if (moved) { switch (event.getCode()) { case W: if (direction != Direction.DOWN) direction = Direction.UP; break; case S: if (direction != Direction.UP) direction = Direction.DOWN; break; case A: if (direction != Direction.RIGHT) direction = Direction.LEFT; break; case D: if (direction != Direction.LEFT) direction = Direction.RIGHT; break; default: break; } }});此外,您可以通过使用 aMap并向Direction枚举添加属性来改进代码的一些方面。public enum Direction { UP(0, -1), RIGHT(1, 0), DOWN(0, 1), LEFT(-1, 0); private final int dx; private final int dy; private Direction(int dx, int dy) { this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; } /** * Tests, if 2 directions are parallel (i.e. both either on the x or the y axis).<br> * Note: Depends on the order of the enum constants * @param other the direction to compare with * @return true, if the directions are parallel, false otherwise */ public boolean isParallel(Direction other) { return ((ordinal() - other.ordinal()) & 1) == 0; }}在里面KeyFrame...double tailX = tail.getTranslateX();double tailY = tail.getTranslateY();Node head = snake.get(0);tail.setTranslateX(head.getTranslateX() + BLOCK_SIZE * direction.dx);tail.setTranslateY(head.getTranslateY() + BLOCK_SIZE * direction.dy);moved = true;...final Map<KeyCode, Direction> keyMapping = new EnumMap<>(KeyCode.class);keyMapping.put(KeyCode.W, Direction.UP);keyMapping.put(KeyCode.S, Direction.DOWN);keyMapping.put(KeyCode.A, Direction.LEFT);keyMapping.put(KeyCode.D, Direction.RIGHT);Scene scene = new Scene(createContent());scene.setOnKeyPressed(event -> { if (moved) { Direction newDirection = keyMapping.get(event.getCode()); if (newDirection != null && !direction.isParallel(newDirection)) { direction = newDirection; } }});