不知道为什么 Fearless 没有嵌入他的示例,但我冒昧地将其转换为带有 Mocha/Chai 单元测试的 ES6 类。正如其他人所提到的,有向图应该将其关联(也称为边)存储在两个单独的集合中。这使得查找变得微不足道。class AssociationGraph { constructor() { this.sourceEdges = new Map(); this.targetEdges = new Map(); } /** * @brief Clear all associations */ clear() { this.sourceEdges.clear(); this.targetEdges.clear(); } /** * @brief Return true if there is a link from source to target */ hasLink(source, target) { let targets = this.sourceEdges.get(source); return targets != undefined && targets.has(target); } /** * @brief Create a link from source to target, unless one already exists. */ addLink(source, target) { this._add(source, target, this.sourceEdges); this._add(target, source, this.targetEdges); } /** * @brief Return an iterator over all the targets of source. */ targetsOf(source) { return this._of(source, this.sourceEdges); } /** * @brief Return an iterator over all the sources of target. */ sourcesOf(target) { return this._of(target, this.targetEdges); } /** * @brief Return all unique nodes for all associations. */ nodes() { return [...new Set([...this.sourceEdges.keys(), ...this.targetEdges.keys()])]; } /** * @brief Return an iterator that generates edges e.g. {source: a, target:b} * for all links in the association. */ edges() { let self = this; return (function*() { for (let [ srcKey, srcVal ] of self.sourceEdges.entries()) { for (let [ tarKey, tarVal ] of srcVal.entries()) { yield { source: srcKey, target: tarKey }; } } })(); } _add(a, b, store) { let set = store.get(a); if (set == undefined) { set = new Set(); store.set(a, set); } set.add(b); } _of(a, map) { let b = map.get(a); if (b == undefined) { return new Set(); } else { return b.keys(); } }}// Construct a graph by adding associationslet graph = new AssociationGraph();graph.addLink('n1', 'n2');graph.addLink('n1', 'n3');graph.addLink('n1', 'n4');graph.addLink('n2', 'n3');graph.addLink('n3', 'n4');// Print the nodes//for (let node of graph.nodes()) console.log(node);// Print the edges//for (let edge of graph.edges()) console.log(JSON.stringify(edge));// Convenience function to transform a CSV string into an arrayconst strSet = (str) => str.trim().length > 0 ? str.split(/,/g) : [];// Run a unit testlet assert = chai.assert, expect = chai.expect, should = chai.should;mocha.setup("bdd");chai.should();describe('hasLink', () => { it('n1 ===> n2', () => graph.hasLink('n1', 'n2').should.equal(true)); it('n2 =/=> n4', () => graph.hasLink('n2', 'n4').should.equal(false)); it('n3 ===> n4', () => graph.hasLink('n3', 'n4').should.equal(true));});describe('targetsOf', () => { it('n1 : [n2, n3, n4]', () => expect( Array.from(graph.targetsOf('n1'))).to.have.members(strSet('n2,n3,n4'))); it('n2 : [n3]', () => expect( Array.from(graph.targetsOf('n2'))).to.have.members(strSet('n3'))); it('n3 : [n4]', () => expect( Array.from(graph.targetsOf('n3'))).to.have.members(strSet('n4'))); it('n4 : []', () => expect( Array.from(graph.targetsOf('n4'))).to.have.members(strSet('')));});describe('sourcesOf', () => { it('n1 : []', () => expect( Array.from(graph.sourcesOf('n1'))).to.have.members(strSet(''))); it('n2 : [n1]', () => expect( Array.from(graph.sourcesOf('n2'))).to.have.members(strSet('n1'))); it('n3 : [n1, n2]', () => expect( Array.from(graph.sourcesOf('n3'))).to.have.members(strSet('n1,n2'))); it('n4 : [n1, n3]', () => expect( Array.from(graph.sourcesOf('n4'))).to.have.members(strSet('n1,n3')));});describe('nodes', () => { it('graph.nodes()', () => expect( Array.from(graph.nodes())).to.have.members(strSet('n1,n2,n3,n4')));});mocha.run();#mocha-report { font-family: monospace; font-size: smaller;}<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/chai/4.2.0/chai.min.js"></script><script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mocha/7.1.1/mocha.min.js"></script><div id="mocha"></div><link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mocha/7.1.1/mocha.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>